Unveiling the Back-to-School Glow: A Skincare Routine for Confident Kids
Unveiling the Back-to-School Glow: A Skincare Routine for Confident Kids
By incorporating these simple steps, your child can stride into the new school year with confidence, glowing from the inside out.

In the realm of changing hormones and budding self-awareness, teenagers often grapple with skincare concerns unique to their age group. Hormonal fluctuations can give rise to various skin challenges, making it imperative for teenagers to adopt a suitable skincare routine.

Dr Rishabh Raj Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Noida International University, says, “To maintain healthy skin, teenagers should prioritize a nutrient-rich diet, including ample water intake and consumption of fruits with high water content. Consulting a dermatologist before applying any chemical-based products is crucial, as these can react with the skin and potentially lead to long-term issues.”

Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, but with the right skincare routine and a balanced lifestyle, adolescents can cultivate habits that contribute to lasting skin health and overall well-being.

Prasanna Vasanadu, Parent Educator, and Founder, Tikitoro, says, “As the school bells ring and a new academic year approaches, helping your kids build confidence goes beyond just textbooks and uniforms. A healthy and radiant skin can be a significant boost to their self-esteem.”

Vasanadu delves into a simple yet effective back-to-school skincare routine, expertly crafted to bring out the inner glow in every child.

1. Kickstart the Day with a Gentle Cleanser

The first step towards a glowing complexion is a clean canvas. Start your child’s skincare routine with a mild and age-appropriate cleanser. Regardless of their skin type – whether oily, dry, or a combination – choose a cleanser that suits them. Cleansing not only removes excess oil and grime but also prepares the skin for the subsequent steps in their routine.

2. Hydration Is Key – Choose the Right Moisturizer

Follow up with a hydrating moisturizer that caters to all skin types. Opt for a moisturizer with clean ingredients that can keep the skin supple and hydrated. For those with drier skin, consider re-application throughout the day to maintain that youthful and luminous appearance.

3. Shield and Protect with Sunscreen

Sun protection is non-negotiable. Even on cloudy days, ensure your child applies sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every morning. Beyond shielding the skin from harmful UV radiation, sunscreen helps delay signs of premature aging and hyperpigmentation. Choose a non-comedogenic sunscreen and apply generously on the face, neck, and other exposed areas.

Additional Tips to Enhance the Glow

  1. Encourage your child to stay hydrated by consuming plenty of water throughout the day.
  2. Ensure they get seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night for overall well-being.
  3. Pack their lunchbox with antioxidant-rich snacks like fruits and nuts to support bright, healthy skin.
  4. Introduce mindful exercises and deep breathing to instill stress management skills. Stress can adversely affect the skin, leading to dullness and breakouts.This back-to-school skincare routine is not just about external care but emphasizes holistic well-being.By incorporating these simple steps, your child can stride into the new school year with confidence, glowing from the inside out.

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