Omicron induced restrictions: Expert Suggests Stretching Exercises Can Keep WFH, Online Classes Blues At Bay
Omicron induced restrictions: Expert Suggests Stretching Exercises Can Keep WFH, Online Classes Blues At Bay
As Omicron cases rise, it is important to stay home. But excluding exercises from your daily routine might lead to various health problems.

The recent surge in Covid-19 cases and the threat of Omicron variant has once again led to restrictions and shutting down of public places like gyms and spas. Employees, who had started visiting the office, have again switched to work from home, and students have also returned to online classes. In a time when you are bound to spend long hours in your table and chair, staring at the computer screen, the physical health goes for a toss. And excluding exercises from your daily routine might lead to various health problems.

Rujuta Diwekar, who is a celebrity nutritionist, in her recent Instagram post shared various tips to keep the body away from illness, following the work-from-home lifestyle. According to the nutritionist, the body is made with the intention of constant movements. She posted a video explaining some easy exercises for stretching your body. The caption reads, “5 daily stretches for everyone – week 1 workout.” She further adds that the week 1 workout for the 12-week fitness project 2022, any time of the day, and for everyone. As per the expert, it takes less than 5 minutes to perform these stretches. The mantra should be – “Stretch, don’t stress.”

For the first stretch, Rujuta stands in front of a wall, she is seen bringing her feet from behind with her hand and pulling it, she holds the body in the position and counts till five.

After this, she repeats the same drill with the other leg. In the next exercise, the expert pushed her palms against the walls, keeping her legs at 90 degrees straight and she stretched her upper body. It is very important that you take the posture slowly, hold it for a while, and return to the normal position gradually. No postures or exercises should be done in a hurry as it might cause an injury.

For the third exercise, Rujuta sat on a couch, her knees were placed apart, toes were pointing upwards, spine straight, and she bends her hands to hold the toes. In the video, the nutritionist performed the back namaskar, by folding her hands to her back in a namaskar position and then stretching her back, and also highlighted some of its benefits.

If you perform yoga, or cardio exercises, or even use gym equipment for workouts, any regime should commence with 10-15 minutes of stretching exercises.

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