Mindfulness: Love and Success are Very Much Connected
Mindfulness: Love and Success are Very Much Connected
The society might look at you with certain interests, but you need to figure out your goals first. Run your own race and soon you’ll start winning.

We are trained to win since childhood. We are taught to uphold the family name, its legacy. Everybody expects us to succeed, but what if we don’t? Will we remain the loved one despite failure? Love and Success are so deeply connected that there is no space for failure. But, how can we get success without understanding failure?

The person, who is going through difficult conditions, does not feel that his life is good enough due to the lack of achievements. Trees are not meant to give only fruits or shadow. They have other purposes as well.

Basically, the point I am trying to make here is that you’re not supposed to do just one thing in life. If you’re not successful at one thing, that doesn’t mean you’ll not excel at other tasks. It’s just a matter of interest.

The society might look at you with certain interests, but you need to figure out your goals first. Run your own race and soon you’ll start winning.

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