Mindfulness: How Do You Conquer The Mind!
Mindfulness: How Do You Conquer The Mind!
Just do a small experiment. Make a list of people who love you. See how frequently you meet them. How regular your communication with them is. Now think of the people you don’t like. Do you not meet them often?

I don’t want to listen his name. You do not have any idea, what he has done to me? It is impossible to forgive him.

You might have heard such things several times. Have you ever thought, how fatal hatred could be for the one who hates? Life gets attracted to things that we focus on. Will it not get attracted towards hatred? We unknowingly give space to those who we do not like. Thoughts about such people make us uneasy.

Just do a small experiment. Make a list of people who love you. See how frequently you meet them. How regular your communication with them is. Now think of the people you don’t like. Do you not meet them often?

Let me share a small experience with you. A decade ago, few differences developed between my then organisational management and me. I moved ahead and the company went on its own way. Obviously, it was inconvenient for me in the beginning. For some time, I nurtured grudge and negative feelings, but eventually I got out of that zone. Everything became normal with the same people. The incidents might not be in my control, but how I react to them was.

Life is about moving ahead. If memories are happy, preserve them. If they are sad, remove them from mind. If you are not able to do it, take help form people who can make it smooth.

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