Melissa Hie: Meet the girl who has made food, places look irresistible through her unique photos
Melissa Hie: Meet the girl who has made food, places look irresistible through her unique photos
Melissa Hie, who is originally from Indonesia and later shifted base to Singapore in 2009, is the reason behind a lot of people hankering for food and travel at odd hours of the day. If you have scrolled down her Instagram feed, you will understand why craving could be an understatement in this case. Having visited 31 countries by now, Melissa aims to visit at least one new place every year.

Melissa Hie, who is originally from Indonesia and later shifted base to Singapore in 2009, is the reason behind a lot of people hankering for food and travel at odd hours of the day. If you have scrolled down her Instagram feed, you will understand why craving could be an understatement in this case. Having visited 31 countries by now, Melissa aims to visit at least one new place every year.

The story about the origin of this unique Instagram account is an interesting one. When asked about the thought that went into creating the Instagram handle @girleatworld on her official site, she mentioned about her visit to Rome with Serena, her good friend who insisted on taking her picture in front of the Coliseum while she eating a mouth-watering sandwich. The resulting picture, which was a funny one according to her, triggered her creative thought process and she soon began uploading a collection of similar photos. Soon she began traveling alone and ended up taking pictures in front of iconic backgrounds all by herself. On being motivated by another friend, she created an Instagram feed dedicated solely to food and travel pictures.

Currently working at an American tech company, this girl seems to be putting her earnings to a good use. Traveling in a hassle-free manner, she is an inspiration to most of the full-time working people who yearn for breaks amidst their jam-packed schedule.

Here, we bring you an excerpt from an exclusive interview with Melissa Hie.

How did you come up with the name ‘Girleatworld’ for your Instagram feed?

I was just toying around with names for the Instagram account while I was in Tokyo. I considered ‘stuffing my face around the world’ but thought it wouldn’t be a practical Instagram name. Then I decided to just combine three things that describe me the most! Someone once told me that if you find three things you love, combine them and keep doing it, you would never have to work a day in your life.

Did you ever expect your posts to create such a boom? How do you feel about it?

Not at all, I have always heard about stories like this but have never ever dreamed it would happen to me. To be honest, I knew people loved the girleatworld style. I used to post them on my personal Facebook account and got a more positive feedback than my regular posts, but I didn’t expect others to enjoy it as well.

Out of all the places and dishes you have tried so far, which are the ones that top your favorites list?

South Korea, Japan and Vietnam, it’s difficult to hate the food there! I loved Ddukboki (Spicy rice cake) in Korea, all the Onigiri (riceball) in Japan and the cheap refreshing Pho in Vietnam.

We came across a lot of dessert posts in your feed. Tell us something about your love for sweet dishes?

I actually prefer savory dishes over sweets, but I can never say no to desserts when it’s unique or beautifully presented. I love creative desserts.

While going through your Instagram feed, we came across posts from India too. Tell us more about your visit to India.

I visited India twice last year for work and a friend’s wedding. On my first visit, I got to visit New Delhi and took a trip to see Taj Mahal. I love Indian food for the strong flavor and heavy use of spices, so I had no problems adjusting at all! I tried most of the usual Indian food like Biryani and Chicken Tikka, but the one that stood out the most for me was Dal. On my second visit, I was there for a friend’s wedding in Trichy (where I got to experience the actual traditional Indian wedding) and then for work at Kochi in Kerala. I was super lucky to visit during Onam when I got to try the traditional food as well.

When are you planning your next trip to India?

Soon I hope! I am yet to visit Varanasi and the Himalayas.

You’ve been all around the world. Are there any more places in your bucket list?

There are too many places to list. Off the top of my head: anywhere in South America since that is the last continent I have not been to. I would love to visit Peru for Machu Pichu. I would also love to visit Iceland, New Zealand and Switzerland for the nature.

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