How To Check Adulteration In Watermelon? Follow This Hack Using Cotton Ball
How To Check Adulteration In Watermelon? Follow This Hack Using Cotton Ball
Red watermelon is thought to be tasty, but such colours are nowadays attained with the help of chemicals.

Watermelon is considered a popular fruit during summer. The demand and sales of these fruits also increase significantly during this season. Due to high demand and profit, several vendors sell fake watermelons to earn money. Eating such watermelon can be very dangerous. Red watermelon is thought to be tasty, but such colours are nowadays attained with the help of chemicals. Hence, the biggest problem we face while buying watermelon in the market is not identifying it properly. While buying watermelon, many people get confused by the fake red colour. These watermelons are neither sweet nor fresh when cut. They appear to be of top quality from the outside.

The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has advised the public to avoid this scam. Officials revealed that the chemical erythrosine is added to the watermelons available in the market. It is a type of red colour added to sweets, candies and drinks. The government has banned the addition of this dangerous chemical colour to any fruit. In such a situation, FSSAI has suggested some precise methods to identify adulterated or fake watermelons. This allows you to identify fresh, red and sweet watermelons before buying them.

As per FSSAI, you can check the adulteration in watermelon through a simple cotton ball.  Cut the watermelon into half. After this, take any one of the two parts. Then rub the cotton ball on the red pulp of the watermelon a few times. If it is adulterated, the cotton ball will become red. It can be estimated that the chemical called erythrosine has been added to this watermelon. If it attains no colour, then the watermelon is safe for consumption.

If erythrosine enters our stomach, then we can face problems like vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea, nausea, and loss of appetite. Eating such watermelon for a long time can also cause thyroid disease. You need to test the adulteration of the watermelon before buying.

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