Ayurvedic medicines have been found to eliminate many health ailments and one such medicine is the Chopchini Churna. In an interview with Local 18, Ayurvedic physician Dr Sarfaraz Ahmed said that Chopchini Churna is hot by nature. This makes it easy to digest and resolves the Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha. This medicine can increase appetite, cure constipation and provide immunity to the body. It also bolsters sexual energies and cures gas, constipation, body aches and joint pain like arthritis, etc. Dr Ahmed said that it is also beneficial in curing uric acid. To cure this problem, uric acid patients should regularly consume half a teaspoon of Chopchini Churna in the morning on an empty stomach. They should then take half a teaspoon at night with plain water for a few days before sleeping. It will eventually lead to a reduction in uric acid problems.
This Churna can also used for treating asthma. The patients need to boil the churna in milk and add cardamom, mastagi and cinnamon to it. They should then consume it in the morning and evening. Apart from asthma-related ailments, it also provides relief for arthritis (joint inflammation). Besides these benefits, people can make a decoction by mixing Chopchini and Gaojaban medicine. A decoction is a concentrated liquor resulting from heating or boiling a substance, especially a medicinal preparation made from a plant. This mixture is used for massaging the knees, eventually helping in getting rid of knee pain and bone weakness. Consuming the Chopchini Churna mixed with butter and sugar candy also provides relief from headaches.
Consuming chopchini churna with honey provides relief for skin ailments. This churna, when mixed with sugar, sugar candy and ghee and consumed in cow’s milk, additionally provides relief in fistula disease. An anal fistula is usually a consequence of an anal abscess, an infected wound that drains pus from your anus. The draining abscess can create a tunnel through your anus to the skin outside. Anal pain, swelling and redness are the primary symptoms. Surgery is the primary treatment for this ailment. There is a risk of developing cancer in the fistula tract if left untreated for a long time.
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