'We Want Freedom' Painting by Kashmir Schoolchildren 'Embarrasses' Jawans
'We Want Freedom' Painting by Kashmir Schoolchildren 'Embarrasses' Jawans
The painting showed greenery - trees and mountains - on the one side and a barren land - guarded by persons in military camouflage and a helicopter hovering above - on the other side.

Srinagar: The Army faced some embarrassment at a day-long youth festival hosted by it in Srinagar on Saturday after one of the participants made a drawing merging the flags of India and Pakistan under which was written "we want freedom".

The 'Chinar Youth Festival 2018' was organised by Army's 15 Corps at the Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre.

The painting was drawn by an unidentified student who had written "we don't want bloodshed" and "we want freedom".

Another painting depicted the transformation of Kashmir from a beautiful Valley into a "battlefield".

The painting showed greenery - trees and mountains - on the one side and a barren land - guarded by people in military camouflage and a helicopter hovering above - on the other side.

"Beautiful Kashmir turns into battle field" was written on the drawing.

There was another painting depicting the another side of the conflict in the Valley as it showed a blood-soaked Kashmir with words "stone pelting" written over it.

An Army official said there can be diverse views as hundreds of students participated in the event.

Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik was the chief guest on the occasion.

Beside painting, the event witnessed other competitions like singing, instrumental recitals and cultural performances by students from various schools across the Valley

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