Trial in Paravoor sex case adjourned
Trial in Paravoor sex case adjourned

The Ernakulam Additional Sessions Court  on Monday adjourned the trial proceedings against the eight accused in the sensational Paravoor sex scandal case, in which a 14-year-old girl was allegedly raped by as many as 160 men over a period of time, to Thursday.

Judge P G Ajith Kumar issued the directive while considering a plea filed by an accused Madhu against the chargesheet in the case.  Sudhir and Subaida, the parents of the victim girl, and six others were arraigned as accused in the chargesheet.

The case had come to light when a complaint was lodged last June after the girl narrated her ordeal to her aunt. It grabbed headlines after it was revealed that the victim’s father was the first to sexually abuse her.  According to the victim’s deposition,  the first molestation had taken place on May 3, 2010, after which she was taken to several places.

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