Those with a bigger vision
Those with a  bigger vision
BANGALORE: What happens when suddenly at night the power goes off, and you have to go downstairs to get water from the fridge? To ..

BANGALORE: What happens when suddenly at night the power goes off, and you have to go downstairs to get water from the fridge? To make matters worse your torch also doesn’t work. The result — you end up bumping into everything and anything that comes in your way.There are few of us for who the lights would never come on. The National Association for the Blind Karnataka, is dedicated to helping such people. Founded in 1979, the centre is equipped with specially trained staff to cater to and encourage the blind to live an independent life.One of the first things taught in the campus is a six week mobility course. “During the first week they are taught to walk within the campus, and then towards the gate and then the road right outside the campus,” explains Srinivas the CEO of the society.As the weeks roll by and by the sixth week, they are taught to use busy roads. “There is a method to the training. The blind are provided with a white cane which they hold in their right hand. While crossing the road they are instructed to raise their left hand to alert the oncoming traffic,” informs Srinivas. It is an intriguing fact that most pedestrians involved in road accidents can see, but those who can’t see, hardly meet with accidents.Speaking of the cane he explains how the men and women in the society are taught to rely and adapt to the vibrations of the cane. “Any surface that is touched by the cane has a particular kind of vibration that is unique to it. The people from the society are taught to identify it,” he says.The centre has four training centres under its belt, with the six-week mobility training being the first while rehabilitation for adults being the second. “This is a one year programme wherein adults from rural areas are encouraged to face challenges through counselling and training,” explains Srinivas.Apart from this, there are vocational courses available as well. The centre also offers a two year technical course that has been affiliated with the State Council for vocational training under Director General of Employee Training, Government of Karnataka. The course that is provided by NIIT offers the blind a course equivalent to the regular diploma in basic general mechanics.  The only criteria is that the person should have completed 12 standard and should have adequate knowledge of basic maths and logic.Srinivas further adds that the society believes in integration.“We recently started a programme for young rural girl students. It was started only a year ago. The students are brought to the city to study in regular colleges. They are completely sponsored. At the moment there are 600 students who are studying in regular schools and colleges,” he reveals. The society that makes ends meet with the financial help provided by the public, recently made provisions for people with multiple disability. At the moment there are 22 such individuals in the centre.

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