They help you be eco-friendly
They help you be eco-friendly
CHENNAI: Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Loyola, have been busy with projects like mushroom cultivation and Suraj Solar Lantern..

CHENNAI: Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Loyola, have been busy with projects like mushroom cultivation and Suraj Solar Lantern Distribution. They have also implemented a training programme to train men and women in mushroom cultivation in their own backyard and sell them in the open market.The solar lanterns are distributed for multiple uses and are designed to help fishermen work longer at night. This helps them earn more, and at the same time, saves them the cost of electricity. It completely fizzles out the use of the kerosene lamp which again is costly. They can also be used to help the children study at night.Last year, SIFE represented India as National Champions at the SIFE World Cup, held at Los Angeles, California, USA, where more than 1,500 units participated. They won the fourth place. Before that, SIFE Loyola was chosen to represent India from among 65 colleges, which took part in the national competition, adjourned by a jury consisting of 50 eminent business executives.

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