Siliguri's Debasish Invents Powerful Electric Shock Device For Women's Safety
Siliguri's Debasish Invents Powerful Electric Shock Device For Women's Safety
Debasish’s journey into the world of invention began in his childhood when he developed a fascination with machines.

Debasish, hailing from Siliguri, has made headlines with his groundbreaking invention: the ‘Women Safety Device.’ This device was born out of his reaction to the distressing incidents of violence reported in the media, which motivated him to develop a practical solution for women’s safety.

The concept behind the Women Safety Device is straightforward yet effective. In the event of an emergency, the device can be activated by pressing a button, which then generates a powerful electric shock intended to incapacitate an attacker. This innovative tool is designed to create a high-voltage shock of 4 lakh volts, which is sufficient to deter and scare off any assailant, providing women with a means of defence in dangerous situations.

Debasish’s journey into the world of invention began in his childhood when he developed a fascination with machines by disassembling and examining vehicle engines. This early interest in mechanical systems eventually led him to start creating various devices on his own. His latest creation, however, is focused specifically on enhancing women’s safety.

For this device, Debasish used primarily repurposed materials and household items, including a water pipe, with only a few components sourced from outside. This approach not only showcases his ingenuity but also keeps the cost of production low. The device is designed to be rechargeable via any USB cable, making it convenient and accessible for everyday use.

Debasish emphasises that his motivation for creating this device stems from the widespread issue of violence against women, which is frequently highlighted in news and social media. By developing the ‘Women Safety Device,’ he aims to provide a tangible solution to this pressing problem. The entire construction process took him just two to three hours, reflecting his skill and efficiency. The device is priced at a modest Rs 600, making it affordable for a broad range of people.

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