PUDUCHERRY: Defence witnesses in the Sankararman murder case got a breather, with the principal district and sessions judge T Ramasamy fixing August 5 as the date for their examination. If the latter did not turn up on August 5 as well, then the arguments in the case by the defence would begin on the same day, special public prosecutor N Devadoss said.Not a single defence witness was present in the court when the judge resumed trial on Monday. Seven out of the 24 accused were present in court today. Kanchi seers Jayendra Saraswathi and his junior Vijayendra Saraswathi, the main accused in the case, were among the absentees.It may be recalled that the questioning of all the accused by the trial court judge had been completed on July 22.Sankararaman, manager of the Varadarajaperumal temple in Kancheepuram, was allegedly murdered on the temple premises on September 3, 2004. A total of 189 witnesses had been examined during the trial so far, with 81 turning hostile.
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