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The Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry is organising a panel discussion on the topic ‘Requirement of Industry-Academic Interface’, with the participation of a group of commerce teachers from various universities deputed by the UGC Academic Staff College, University of Kerala.
The discussion is scheduled for September 18, at 3 p.m. at the IMK building on the Palayam campus of University of Kerala here.
Dignitaries and professionals representing the industry will address the participants at the discussion. The interactive session aims at providing valuable inputs which can enable the teachers to train students and equip them to fit into the industry standards and demands.
The discussion is being held against the backdrop of studies showing that Business and Commerce students are increasingly trying only for government jobs or lecturer posts.
Only a handful of students are opting for entrepreneurship and commerce & accounting-related professions/jobs.
It is also observed that most of the candidates coming to the industry for employment do not have a mature professional attitude.
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