One Dead, 25 Critical After Hospital Uses Single Syringe for Injection in MP's Datia
One Dead, 25 Critical After Hospital Uses Single Syringe for Injection in MP's Datia
According to reports, a commotion ensued in the hospital when the kin of the deceased alleged that the administration of a wrong injection led to his death. As the word spread, several other patients admitted to the medical ward fled in panic.

Datia: Chaos broke out at Datia district hospital after a single syringe was allegedly used to administer injection, leaving one man dead and 25 others critically ill on Monday evening.

“One patient died, while the condition of 25 others deteriorated due to the injection," a duty officer said. He, however, denied divulging any more information.

According to reports, a commotion ensued in the hospital when the kin of the deceased alleged that the administration of a wrong injection led to his death. As the word spread, several other patients admitted to the medical ward fled in panic.

The police said that the body has been sent for an autopsy and investigation into the matter is underway.

Dismissing the allegations, hospital authorities claimed that the syringe, which was used on the patients, had not expired. However, an enquiry has been ordered into the matter, said a senior surgeon.

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