NIOS D.El.Ed. 2nd Exam Time Table has been released by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), as per which, the second leg of Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) public exam 2018 for untrained in-service teachers is scheduled to begin on 25th September 2018 and conclude on 29th September 2018.
The examination will be held in a single session on all exam days from 2:30pm to 5:30pm.
Datesheet for the conduct of D.El.Ed. 2nd Examination for Untrained In-Service Teachers under the D.El.Ed. Programme (MHRD, Govt. of India) #DELED #NIOS pic.twitter.com/hVC5nEgkjX— NIOS (@niostwit) August 16, 2018
NIOS had organized the 1st examination of D.El.Ed earlier this year on 31st May, 1st June and 2nd June 2018 across the country in which approximately 12 Lakh teachers had participated.
Candidates who did not register/appear for the 1st year examination were allowed to register for the 1st year papers viz subject codes 501, 502 and 503 along with new subject codes 504 and 505.
Those who had already appeared for the previous subject codes need to appear in new subject codes only.
About NIOS-D.El.Ed Programme:
The NIOS Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) programme is a two-year course specifically designed for in-service untrained teachers working in primary/ upper primary schools of different states across the country and aims at enabling the in-service teachers to develop skills, competencies, attitudes and understanding, and make teaching more valuable at the elementary stage of learning.
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