Newborn girls abandoned
Newborn girls abandoned

Cases of newborn girls being abandoned by mothers have been on the rise in many parts of the district.

In one such case, the Kamakshyanagar Police along with district health and ICDS officials rescued a 25-day-old baby girl from Malpura village on July 30.

The abandoned child was first found by a woman, Bijuli Nayak, from a forest at Malpura village 15 days back. After keeping the baby with her for some days, the woman, who is a mother of four, took her to the ADM’s office where she told the officials concerned about finding the girl and sought money on the plea of taking care of her.

A social activist Pradeep Sahoo who was present at the spot informed the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) members who took the girl and admitted her to the district headquarters hospital. However, the woman and child went missing from the hospital a few hours later.

Subsequently, an FIR was filed by the CWC and police began search operation for  both.

During the search, the woman and the child were traced in the same village.

The child was handed over to Maharshi Dayananda Service Mission, a child care centre here.

In a similar incident, a woman rescued a newborn girl child from the roadside at Sarjang Sahi and got her admitted to the district headquarters hospital with the intervention of CWC on July 3.

Prior to that, another girl was rescued by a local from the Analabereni cremation ground and admitted to Analabereni Community Health Centre (CHC).

The child is currently undergoing treatment at Sishu Griha here.

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