Chandigarh: Using sensor technology to get the putting stroke right, 'Falcon Eye', a new device developed by a professional golfer, will help golfers in their game.
Chandigarh-based professional golfer Gurbaaz Mann claims that the new machine, developed after two years of research and testing, will revolutionise putting in golf at a global level. "Falcon Eye aims to enable players to have absolute numbers for a desired putting stroke in a measurement of speed which they cannot achieve otherwise," Mann said.
"With the introduction of this sensor technology to control putting for the first time in the world, golf is now all set to have another technological advancement in the form of a new speed reading unit for Greens, thereby offering better performance for golfers, be it amateur or professional," Mann said. "More than 85 percent of professional golfers achieve only about 60 percent of their putting potential during competitions and these numbers are much lower for an average golfer. With this aid, they can improve their game to a large extent," he said.
Chandigarh Golf Academy is now promoting research and development in the sport, its president C.S.R. Reddy said. "Normally, golfers adapt to greens with a lot of effort, varying from course to course; their performance varies dramatically because of the difference in the speed of greens the world over. With this innovation making its way into golf, things will get better."
"The advantages of 'Falcon Eye' will be green mapping of golf courses, helping superintendents to measure and maintain true speed even on difficult patches. The putter may be calibrated where any golfer will be able to maintain the same stroke for a certain length and merely change the putter for its settings like grip, weight, flex etc. to a precise measure."
"It will help in making the performance of a golfer consistent, so they are not forced to rely on guess work," said Jessie Grewal, director of the National Golf Academy of India.
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