Most Britons update Facebook, Twitter from bed
Most Britons update Facebook, Twitter from bed
Three-quarters of Britons spend an average of 16 minutes daily to update their social networking profiles from bed

London: Strange it may appear, but almost three quarters of Britons spend an average of 16 minutes daily to update their social networking profiles from bed, a survey has revealed.

The survey by Travelodge found that some 72 per cent of adults use social networking sites from under the duvet, spending an average of 16 minutes every night checking Facebook, Twitter and other social sites.

The peak time for bed-based social networking was found to be 9.45 AM, with 18 per cent of those questioned admitting to accessing Twitter at that time, leading British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported.

Britons also spend an average of nine minutes per night sending text messages to friends and family. More than a quarter of those questioned said they did their supermarket shop in bed, while 10 per cent pay their bills online from under the duvet.

More than half of those surveyed said that the first thing they did after waking up was to check their mobile phone for texts or emails, and one in 10 admitted to responding to messages before even getting out of bed.

"We have become a nation of 'online-a-holics'. But there is a time and a place for social networking, and that's not between the sheets, as it can be detrimental to our wellbeing.

"By texting, tweeting and surfing the web in bed, we are nodding off with a busy mind which impacts upon our quality of sleep during the night," psychologist Corinne Sweet was quoted as saying.

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