God is the creator: Agnishwar
God is the creator: Agnishwar
Understanding of godGod is the creator and we are his creation. The entire universe is like a theatre. Life is like a p..

Understanding of godGod is the creator and we are his creation. The entire universe is like a theatre. Life is like a play — we are all actors and God is the director, invisible to the human eye. But the play goes on and everyone plays their roles to the best of their ability in order to earn applause. People in the audience sometimes get carried away by the brilliance displayed by the actors but the true genius is the director who gets the best out of the actors.Spiritual beliefsI feel god is all around us and guides me in every step of my life. Offering a prayer before a race comes involuntarily to me, just like breathing. I believe in God more than I believe in myself, and I feel I perform much better when I pray and get ready for a race.Miracles in the waterI was in Jakarta, Indonesia for the Asian games in 2007. I had broken my index finger by hitting the wall too hard. The doctor had told me that I could not swim. My coach who didn’t believe in God told me that my chances of winning at this point were slim and therefore, I should just cool off. So, I went straight from the hospital, where I taped my finger, to a temple. I remember asking God to help me. Two miracles happened the next day — I won the gold and I felt like a different swimmer and raced so perfectly.  My coach, who was an atheist, started praying to God! Since then, I always visit a temple a day before I swim at a meet.Pilgrimage sitesI visit Tirupathi on a regular basis. I was also in the Vatican city and there’s something truly spiritual about both these places. I wish to visit Amarnath some day. It is a cave in the Himalayas where in winter, the snow amazingly forms into a Shiva lingam. I’m blessed as my ability to swim has helped me travel all around the world and see different cultures. It’s been an amazing ride.(J Agnishwar is one of the top swimmers in India and currently ranks World No 5 after qualifying  in the World Swimming Championship this year. He hopes to qualify for the London Olympics in 2012)

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