First spoof of 2008: Musharraf asks son to return
First spoof of 2008: Musharraf asks son to return
Musharraf beat Bush to make the first spoof headline of the year.

Islamabad: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf beat his US counterpart George W Bush yet again to make the first spoof headline of the year.

So here's the first spoof of 2008 - Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has ordered his son Bilal Musharraf to take the first flight home from the US to counter the publicity being accorded to slain former premier Benazir Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

"I too have a son and his name also sounds almost like 'Bil-aw-al'. All that's missing are the letters 'A' and 'W'. No problem, I can insert a constitutional amendment just like that to take care of the name thing'," the reported today. is one of the most popular websites which puts out parodies of breaking news.The post by Shea Lo, a prolific writer who loves to do spoofs on Pakistan and especially Musharraf, reads, "Unnamed sources in the President's party have acknowledged that the events of the last three days 'do not appear to have gone as he planned'.

"Miffed by all the publicity accorded to 19-year old Bilawal Bhutto Zardari - the new leader of the Pakistan People's Party - a pouting Musharraf phoned up his son Bilal in the US, ordered him to return home on the next flight and commanded him to run in the upcoming elections against the young Bhutto scion/heir," reported the website, which usually loves to do spoofs on Bush.

The spoof parodied Musharraf as saying: "But I am a fighter, a commando guy...he (Bilal) can be prime minister and I can pass another constitutional amendment to make me President for life."

Another parody story, put out yesterday, is on the government claims on Bhutto's assassination. "Pakistan's Interior Ministry spokesman Javed lqbal Cheema said that Benazir Bhutto died from hitting her head on the sunroof of her campaign vehicle and not from bullet wounds. As a result, the manufacturer of Bhutto's vehicle has issued a recall of all identical models."

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