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shopping complex, a private bus and three motor bikes were gutted in a major
fire that broke out at Nilamel near here in the wee hours of Monday. Though no
causalities were reported in the incident the losses have been estimated between
Rs 2 crore and Rs 3 crore. Meanwhile, a major tragedy was averted as
the fire did not spread to the petrol bunk adjacent to the shopping complex,
thanks to the prompt intervention of the Fire and Rescue Services and Police
Extent of damage could have been
unimaginable if the fire had spread to the petrol bunk of Hindustan Petroleum
which had a stock of 8,500 litres underground petrol at the pump. The fire
which broke out in the ground floor of the Fouzy Shopping Complex around 3.30
am, which houses a super market, along the MC Road near Nilamel junction, is
suspected to have been triggered by a short circuit.
The Chadayamangalam Police said that they
received a call around 3.45 am. The newspaper distributors were the first to
notice the fire and smoke emanating from the shopping complex.
The fire fighters from nearby Kadakkal Fire Station were immediately pressed into
Meanwhile, the fire spread to the private bus (owned by Triveni Motors) and
three motor bikes parked at the petrol bunk. Luckily the fire did not spread to
the 8,500 litre petrol tank, the valve of which was near the gutted bus.Another empty petrol tanker parked nearby
was immediately moved to safety. The traffic along the MC Road came to a halt
for over 3 hours as a result of the fire. Fire fighters took around four hours
to douse the fire and 10 fire tenders from various fire stations in Kollam and
Thiruvananathapuram districts were pressed into service.The fire was brought under control by 6.30
a.m.and was extinguished by 8.30 am.The Chadayamanagalam Police have
registered a case on the basis of the statement made by the owner of the shopping
complex Nasarudheen of Nilamel. The exact damage is yet to be ascertained,
while the Chadayamanagalam Police estimates a damage of around Rs 2 crore. Police said that according to the owner of the shopping complex, the loss is
nearly Rs 2.45 crore.
The Electrical Inspector of the Kerala
State Electricity Board conducted inspection at the gutted shopping complex on
Monday afternoon. Police said that the service wires from the electric posts near
the complex were burnt and initial evidence point that fire was triggered by short
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