Experts say Iran can make nuclear bomb
Experts say Iran can make nuclear bomb
Tehran worked on a missile system to carry an atomic warhead.

Vienna: Iran experts at the UN nuclear monitoring agency believe Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and worked on developing a missile system that can carry an atomic warhead, according to a report.

The document drafted by the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication that those officials share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities and missile technology, even if they have not made them public.

The document, titled Possible Military Dimension of Iran's Nuclear Program, appeared to be the so-called IAEA "secret annex" on Iran's alleged nuclear arms programme that the US, France, Israel and other IAEA members say is being withheld by agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, claims the nuclear watchdog denies.

It is a record of IAEA findings since the agency began probing Iran's nuclear programme in 2007 and has been continuously updated.

Meanwhile, in what could be a blow to the United States, the International Atomic Energy Agency has said that it has no proof of Iran carrying on any nuclear weapon programme.

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