Most people dread the US visa interview, with a pre-conceived notion that it might go awry. However, that misconception was cleared at 'Discover America', a one-day USA Road Show and Travel Trade Seminar, which debuted in the city on Wednesday.
Organised by The US Commercial Service, part of the US Consulate General Hyderabad, the seminar aimed at promoting travel and tourism in the US.
Manav Jain, non-immigrant visa section chief, US Consulate Hyderabad, revealed that around 308373 Indians were given B1/ B2 visa in the fiscal year 2011 (October 1, 2010-September 30, 2011), which is about 70 per cent of the applications.
“There is a notion amongst people that getting a US visa is difficult. But the statistics speak otherwise,” said Jain, adding, “If the visa interviewee is honest and is able to convince the visa officer that he will not illegally migrate to the country, procuring a B1/B2 visa is not that difficult.”
B1/B2 visa is for both tourism and business purposes.
“B1 is for Business and B2 is for Tourism. It has been combined for the convenience of the visitor so that their trip can be made for both purposes at once,” explained Jain.
This visa is valid for a period of 10 years. But, Jain clarified that it is a multiple-entry visa, where in people can visit and come back any number of times within that period of 10 years.
“Usually, the maximum period for which a tourist can stay in the US is six months. However, that period of stay can also be determined by the officer,” added Jain.
Chief guest for the occasion, Katherine Dhanani, Consul General, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad, spoke about USA as a tourist destination.
“I am excited to see a number of companies representing America’s great tourist destinations here in Hyderabad. These road shows are providing an important link between America’s top tourist spots and India’s travel industry professionals. They build interest in the US and ultimately, facilitate travel among India’s growing tourist population.”
Companies representing New York City, Virginia, USA Grand Tours, Marriott, Starwood Hotels and Resorts and Choice Hotels International participated in the road show to promote their destinations and facilities
* Before scheduling the interview, fill the DS-160 form, upload a photo, pay the appropriate fee at an authorised HDFC bank, and then schedule a visa interview date online
* In case an interview date is not available in the home city, applicants can schedule it in a different city because Indians are allowed to apply for visa from anywhere in India
* Invitation letter is not mandatory with respect to US visa interview
* On the day of interview, applicants should not reach the Consulate more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time and make sure that they come alone. Exception will be made with small kids and aged people, who need assistance
* Applicants should avoid carrying cell phones and other electronic gadgets to the Consulate
* The visa interview will usually last from three to five minutes n Applicants should make sure that they answer honestly and confidently, and answer to the question asked
* If the visa is approved, the passport will be taken n If the visa is rejected, the person is free to re-apply n According to the US Consulate website, “Under a new initiative, in select circumstances, qualified foreign visitors who were interviewed and thoroughly screened in conjunction with a prior visa application may be eligible to renew their visas without undergoing another interview.”
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