The Child Development Centre (CDC) of Medical College is celebrating its silver jubilee from August 1 to 7. The week-long programme will include various discussions on topics such as adolescent health, assessment of child development, and child and adolescent mental health counselling practices.
A premarital counselling session for anganwadi workers and college students will be conducted on Friday by CDC Director Dr M K C Nair and senior psychologist at Medical College Hospital Dr Justin Padamadan.
A programme on ‘Prevention of childhood disabilities’ for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Teachers and students of Home Science is slated to be held on August 7.
Other sessions to be held over the week include ‘Preventive cardiology for children and adolescents’, ‘Adolescent immunisation’ and ‘Clinical child development assessment training.’
Speakers from outside the State will include experts on child and adolescent health such as Dr Paul Russell of the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Unit at Christian Medical College, Vellore; and Dr N K Arora, executive director of the Inclen Trust International and former professor at the All-India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Former Home Secretary G K Pillai is also expected to give an orientation talk on child assessment on August 4.
The silver jubilee celebrations were inaugurated by Health Minister V S Sivakumar. Other dignitaries present at the inaugural ceremony included Aswathi Thirunal Gowri Lekshmi Bayi of the Travancore royal family, Director of Health Services Dr P K Jameela and Director of Medical Education Dr V Geetha.
The CDC was started as a project on August 1, 1987 and later made an autonomous body in 1995 by the Government of Kerala.
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