CHENNAI: Over the years, the city’s auto rickshaws have developed a reputation. Although there are a few who go against the grain, many feel that the callous behavior and attitude of auto drivers leaves much to be desired. The most frequent complaint against autos is about the exorbitant fares. Apart from the difficulty to find an auto driver who is willing to take you to your destination, the most difficult task is the haggling to reach a satisfactory fare. Some people have got it down to a fine art, but for others, that is the prime concern. Sarah*, a journalist who uses autos regularly, says, “The moment they see you, they will talk about the weather or any other reason to manipulate the passenger and take their money. The faint-hearted succumb. Their other standard trick is to blame the fuel price hike. For a Rs. 2 or Rs. 3 petrol price hike they increase prices by Rs. 10 to Rs. 20.” Living in Thiruvanmiyur, she has now started shifting to call taxis.Another trick is to agree to a certain price, and then whine their way through the ride. Bhavya*, a resident of Velachery, recalls an incident where the auto driver refused to drop her at her home, but stopped at a distance. “He then refused to give me the change,” she says. Karishma Suresh, a college student, says, “Some auto drivers who drive LPG autos try to cheat us by saying that they have to pay a bomb for petrol whereas LPG is much cheaper. I caught one guy once and blasted him.” She also says that it is unfair, as in states like Kerala, auto charges are as low as Rs. 10 or Rs. 15 for the same distance Chennaiites pay Rs. 60 for. Also, a ride in an auto is not for the faint hearted. Zooming through traffic at breakneck speed, swerving and startling pedestrians and two-wheelers alike, most autos considered nuisances on the road. Joshua Devadas, a resident of Pazhavanthangal working in an IT firm, says, “All the auto driver cares about is getting his passenger to his destination. He doesn’t care even if it involves scratching another man’s car. They have an illusion that they are riding cycles and all they need is a few inches to squeeze through.”With infrequent bus services at night, autos are the last resort for women working or travelling late. They are forced to pay high rates as the auto driver taunts, “How will you get another auto at this time?” The statement rings true, and once into the auto, the women are sometimes subjected to lewd stares through the entirety of the ride. If they suspect that you don’t know Tamil, a few suggestive songs are thrown into the mix, and they don’t take it kindly when confronted.*Names changed
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