ATMs at Parliament House Disappoint People After They Run Dry
ATMs at Parliament House Disappoint People After They Run Dry
The ripple effects of demonetisation has not spared the high-security Parliament House complex too.

New Delhi: The ripple effects of demonetisation has not spared the high-security Parliament House complex too. On Thursday, the second day of the Winter Session, ATMs went dry at Parliament House, causing intense disappointment among those lined up in the queue.

Hoping to get hold of much-needed cash, many people, mostly Parliament staff, security officials and some journalists, queued up at the two ATMs in Parliament House in the afternoon. But their wait turned futile as the cash vending machines were not refilled during the day.

Hoping the ATMs would be replenished in the evening, people again queued up but yet again they were left dejected.

"The RBI and the office of the Prime Minister are situated just a few yards from here, but even then they couldn't provide cash. Imagine the situation in ATMs outside Parliament," said a man frustrated over his wait going in vain.

Later at the Central Hall, a union minister talking to reporters, quipped "Only when the government has money will it fill the ATMs."

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