A private bus running in the state suffers an average loss of `2,447 on a single day, according to a study conducted by the All Kerala Bus Operators Organisation.
The study contains data justifying the need for a hike in the fares of private buses, chief among them being the average daily income of a private bus which is pegged at `6372, while the expenditure for each bus remaining at `8819 to stay on the road. The heavy loss incurred by bus owners has led to decrease in the number of private buses from more than 30,000 in 2005 to just under 14,000 at present.
“We compiled the report after visiting numerous bus operators across the state and enquiring about the various problems that they were facing. The report was published recently in the wake of the hike in diesel prices and a copy of the report has been submitted to the committee investigating the need for a hike in ticket prices,” says T Gopinathan, general secretary of the organisation.
The report also contains a detailed list of the increase in expenses that bus operators had to endure in recent years.
While the price of diesel per litre has gone up from `33.38 in January 2009 to `49.90 in September 2012, the average salary paid to bus workers have doubled in the same period, going from `1258 to `2639. The cost of tyres have increased from `2000 to `4000 while an engine block which used to cost `95,000 to repair in 2009 now costs `1,34,000 to repair.
The report also complains that students in the state are still travelling at a fare that has not been upgraded since 2001.
“In Tamil Nadu, students receive concession only in buses owned by the government, while in Karnataka they have to pay 25 per cent of the normal fare.
The government there also reimburses bus owners with 50 per cent of the losses they suffer. It is only in Kerala that bus owners are expected to bear the full cost of transporting students.
Students who can afford to pay a deposit of `50 lakh to gain admission to professional colleges and can afford to pay `5lakh in fees can still travel in private buses giving just 50 paise,” according to the report.
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