What Does PK Stand For? Definition & Uses Explained
What Does PK Stand For? Definition & Uses Explained
Ever gotten a text with the acronym “PK” in it and wondered what it meant? Don’t worry: we’re here to explain exactly what it means. There are a few possible meanings for it, but the most common (and frequently used) is “player kill,” a gaming term used among gamers who play PvP (player versus player) games to refer to killing another player’s character. And, while that might sound a little aggressive, PK is usually used in a fun or lighthearted context—it references playing games, after all. Read on for a complete guide to using PK in your texts and social media messages—and responding to it as well!
Things You Should Know
  • PK mainly stands for “player kill,” which is a gaming term used in MMOs (multiplayer online games) to describe the act of killing other player characters.
  • You can also use PK to refer to the total number of player kills you (or someone else) has in a particular game or suggest playing a game that allows player kills.
  • Less often, PK can also be an abbreviation for “painkiller" (like ibuprofen or acetaminophen), "preacher's kid" or "pourquoi" (French for "why").

What does PK mean over text and Snapchat?

PK most often stands for the gaming term “player kill.” In the world of video games—especially MMOs (massively multiplayer online games)—player kill refers to killing another player’s character, as opposed to a BOT (robot player) controlled by the computer. It may also refer to the number of player kills someone has in a particular game, so it’s a popular term in online PvP (player versus player) games. “I got so many pks in this last fight, it’s insane!” “I’m definitely going to pk you today in Valorant!!! ????” In PvP games, the goal is typically to wipe out as many fellow players as possible and emerge victorious from the battle, which is why pk is such a commonly-used term. There are a few variations, including pk, PK, pks (plural), and pkd (past tense).

How to Use PK

Tell someone about defeating another player’s character with PK. If you successfully kill another player’s character in an online war game—whether it’s your first time doing it or just a difficult target—discuss it using PK. You might also use PK to jokingly threaten another player, or alternatively, you might use it to tell someone that you just got “killed” in a video game. For example: “I managed to pk Alex’s character yesterday! It was wild!” “Noooo, someone just pkd me in Elder Scrolls Online! ????”

Talk about your overall PvP kill count in a video game with PK. Since PK also refers to the number of player kills you manage to pull off in a session of gaming, use it to describe your own player kill count in a gaming session—whether you have a high player kill count or a low one. For example, you might use it to brag about your current player kill record or ask someone for tips on setting a new personal best. “Got the high score for PKs in today’s session of Fortnite!!” “How do you get so many PKs? I feel like I never get any! ????”

Bring up a game you really want to play using PK. If a game allows player kills, it’s likely some kind of MMO—specifically one that supports PvP gameplay. So, if you want to try a new game with your friends, use the PK acronym to let them know what kind of game (and gameplay experience) you’re looking for in whatever title you play next. For example: “Let’s try a game that supports pks! Maybe Destiny 2 would be cool? ????” “I’ve been trying to get a group together to play an MMO with pks in it, like League of Legends.”

How to Respond to PK

Comment on your friend’s PvP abilities when they use PK. If a friend describes their recent player kill in a video game, let them know what you think of it! Ask them to tell you about it in detail if you’re not very familiar with the game, or simply congratulate them if they’re proud of being able to defeat another player in PvP combat. For example: Them: “Finally got to pk Morgan’s character in Halo Infinite!” You: “Wait, really? Omg, she’s so good at it, though! What happened? ????”

Compare player kill records with someone who sends you PK. When someone uses PK to tell you about their overall player kill streak in an online game, tell them about yours in return (if you have one). Otherwise, try asking them more about what strategies and tactics they used to reach their current PK count in the game. For example: “20 PKs? Nice! I’ve only had 10 in a single session before. ????” “Wow, how do you get so many PKs? Any gaming tips for yours truly? ????”

Agree (or disagree) to play a game someone suggests using PK. If someone suggests playing an online PvP game that supports player kills, decide whether that’s something you’re in the mood to do. You might immediately agree if that’s your kind of game, or you might say no and suggest something else instead. For example: Them: “You up for some pks in Guild Wars 2?” You: “Actually, I’m feeling a co-op instead. What do you think of Valheim?”

Other Meanings for PK

Painkiller You may see PK used as an abbreviation of the word “painkiller” from time to time. The term “painkiller” usually refers to common over-the-counter drugs (like ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen) that are used to get pain relief from a wide variety of conditions, though it may also refer to stronger (and more restricted) painkillers, like codeine or morphine. “Ughhh, I have such a bad headache today! I need a pk so bad. ????” "Hey, do you have a pk on you? My back is really aching right now.”

Pack Sometimes PK is simply a condensed version of the word “pack,” used as a shortcut over text and online. It’s usually more common to see PK as an abbreviation of the noun “pack” (as in a 6-pack of soda) rather than the verb “pack” (as in packing for a trip). For example: “Just bought a 12 pk of this new seltzer, and it’s surprisingly delicious!! ????” “Okay, I’m bringing this pk of popsicles I got to your place bc you HAVE to try them!”

Preacher’s kid Though it’s not a common definition, PK may be used as slang for the phrase “preachers’ kid” (or, alternatively, “pastor’s kid"). Luckily, it’s usually easy to tell when someone is using this definition of PK since they’ll likely mention talking to someone or meeting someone (in this case, the child of a preacher). For example: “Met the new pk today. She seems nice ????” “Is it just me, or do a lot of pks seem really rebellious?”

Pourquoi PK is also a form of French slang. So, if you’re a French speaker or know someone who speaks the language, you might encounter PK as an abbreviation of the word “Pourquoi,” which means “why” in French. Though this isn’t a common meaning of PK in English-speaking areas, it’s a very common French term! For example: You: “What are you doing tonight?” Them: “Not much. Pk?”

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