What Are the Black Zodiac Signs?
What Are the Black Zodiac Signs?
While your zodiac sign describes your baseline traits and motivations, the dark or black inversion of your sign describes how you feel and behave when your less-than-admirable qualities take control when you’re angry, stressed, or heartbroken. Everyone has a bit of darkness inside of them, and the traits of your black zodiac sign do not define who you are or make you a bad person. Rather, it’s a way to understand your shadow self so you can guide yourself back into the light. In this article, we’ll explain the traits of each dark zodiac sign and what you can do to curb your worst tendencies and regain control.

Aries: The Tyrant (March 21–April 19)

The Tyrant is overly ambitious and driven by constant dissatisfaction. There is never enough of anything for The Tyrant, and nothing they do have is ever good enough. What’s worse, they’re impatient and rarely want to work for what they want. Instead, they use their cunning to manipulate others into working for them, especially if there are laborious or difficult tasks involved. Like their light counterpart Aries, The Tyrant makes impulsive decisions and is slow to accept the opinions or thoughts of others. To curb your dark tendencies: Channel your dissatisfaction into motivation to succeed. Identify clearly what you want, then make a plan of how to achieve your goal yourself instead of harming or tricking others into working for you. Practice gratitude for what you already have to feel more at peace with your circumstances. Try journaling about or meditating on the possessions, people, and opportunities in your life you’re most thankful for.

Taurus: The Fallen Demon (April 20–May 20)

The Fallen Demon can’t let go of past failures or hurts. Every person experiences good and bad things throughout life, but the dark side of Taurus fixates on the negative only. This dark zodiac sign is pessimistic and believes misery follows them wherever they go. They’re also hard to impress or satisfy since they can only imagine the downsides of any gift or blessing. Like Taurus, the Fallen Demon can get overly obsessed with material possessions and appear shallow sometimes. To curb your dark tendencies: Reflect on your past adversities and how you overcame or grew from your failures. Every challenge in life teaches you a lesson that will serve you well in the future! Learn to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes instead of being so hard on yourself. When you let go of guilt, you’ll open yourself up to exciting, positive opportunities.

Gemini: The Basilisk (May 21–June 20)

The Basilisk is vindictive and venomous toward anyone who wrongs them. When the dark side of Gemini feels offended, they won’t just get angry at someone—they’ll set out to ruin their entire existence. Also called the Hydra, this dark sign has little to no empathy, can be highly critical, and will blame any of their shortcomings or failures on others. Often, this over-the-top pettiness comes back to hurt The Basilisk, too. When The Basilisk’s wrath is justified, others may hold onto respect for this black zodiac sign. However, their respect will most likely be rooted in fear. To curb your dark tendencies: Take a moment to pause and reflect when someone crosses you. Is it worth it to fly into a rage? Often, it’s healthier (and easier) to simply take a breath and walk away from the situation until you’ve calmed down. Manage your anger with positive self-talk, performing breathing exercises to reduce stress when you’re heated, and channeling your feelings in a productive way like journaling or venting to a trusted friend or counselor.

Cancer: The Serpent (June 21–July 22)

The Serpent is a master manipulator with a falsely sweet facade. The dark version of Cancer has a magnetic charm that leads people to innocently trust them. The Serpent will typically then use those people to get whatever they want, whether it’s social status, money, a relationship, or material possessions. Most of the time, The Serpent’s victims never have a clue they’re being used. Like a traditional Cancer, The Serpent can be so moody that it’s difficult for others to understand or react appropriately to what they’re feeling. To curb your dark tendencies: Accept that you can’t always have things your way to stop being manipulative. Try to listen to other people’s perspectives and needs in addition to advocating for your own. Form healthy relationships by being more open about your wants and needs and improving your communication skills. If you have a genuine bond with someone, they’ll help you out because they want to (not because you’ve tricked them).

Leo: The War Maiden (July 23–August 22)

The War Maiden’s severe insecurity forces them to live in an illusion. Like Leo, this dark zodiac sign craves attention and has a flair for the dramatic. When they’re ignored or feel slighted, they may lie to themselves to pretend they rule the world while also emotionally punishing whoever wronged them. They accomplish this by gaining someone’s trust with their charisma, then using them to further their own social status or agenda. The War Maiden is also highly observant and can see the truth in any situation, both good and bad. Whether they use this information for noble or evil purposes is anyone’s guess. To curb your dark tendencies: Be yourself instead of putting on airs or pretending you’re the center of attention. When you let your guard down, you’ll realize that people think more highly of you than you thought—there’s no need to pretend! Communicate your needs to your friends and family. It’s OK to feel insecure sometimes, and even more OK to reach out to your support system when you’re feeling down.

Virgo: The Maelstrom (August 23–September 22)

The Maelstrom is an overly possessive lover with a very short temper. Dark Virgos are loving and loyal, but give in to jealousy easily. When they feel hurt, cheated on, or betrayed for any reason, they tend to take out their anger on the person they love by manipulating them or being downright cruel. They get so blinded by their feelings that it’s nearly impossible to calm them down, and they’ll rarely admit when they’re at fault or took things too far. Like their light counterpart Virgo, The Maelstrom can be critical and judgmental. If someone makes a bad first impression, this dark zodiac sign is unlikely to ever see past it. To curb your dark tendencies: Do your best to forgive others when they make a mistake (especially your friends, family, or partner). Often, your perceived slights are less serious than you initially tend to think (and the person who wronged you may not even know they did anything to upset you). When you feel wronged, take a moment to yourself to cool down before overreacting or hurting your partner. By enforcing this boundary with yourself, you’ll give yourself time to analyze the situation rationally instead of letting your emotions get the best of you.

Libra: The Ravenous (September 23–October 22)

The Ravenous is self-critical and struggles to see their good qualities. These dark Libras succumb completely to their inner demons and never think they’re good enough. Similar to The Tyrant (Aries), this sign constantly strives for more, more, more. However, they’re driven by insecurity rather than ambition or greed. They’re cunning and energetic, but may waste their time (and that of others) trying to perfect things that don’t matter. Like a lighthearted Libra, The Ravenous is a people pleaser. They think that by appeasing others, they’ll find some salvation for their own low self-esteem. To curb your dark tendencies: Celebrate your wins and victories, no matter how small they seem. Remember that you’re more than capable of achieving greatness through hard work and perseverance (there’s no need to sabotage yourself with self-defeating thoughts). Counter your negative thoughts by using positive affirmations. Tell yourself things like “I am enough” or “I am a successful, capable person” to build your self-esteem and improve your mood.

Scorpio: The Poisoned Dart (October 23–November 21)

The Poisoned Dart is cold, calculating, strategic, and cunning. Whatever their desire is (and no matter how dark), this black inversion of Scorpio can wait with eerie patience until the time is right to strike. They’re highly analytical, intelligent, and manipulative, but never wear their strengths on their sleeves. In fact, the only hint of their immense power is their brief but intense flares of anger when they feel crossed. Like a traditional Scorpio, The Poisoned Dart has a sharp tongue that can hurt others and is deeply emotional. Other people never know what will upset them or to what degree. To curb your dark tendencies: Use your cunning and strategic nature for the benefit of the greater good rather than for your personal agenda. You may find that helping others feels more rewarding than working solely for your own benefit. Try not to look at life so cynically. The cards are not as stacked against you as you might think, and you’ll have an easier time getting what you want by working with others and forming meaningful relationships.

Sagittarius: The Tempest (November 22–December 21)

The Tempest pursues their desires without considering others. This sign has the same wanderlust and need for adventure as its light counterpart, but unlike a typical Sagittarius, The Tempest doesn’t care if someone gets hurt or sacrificed along the way. They can be selfish, rude, and avoidant, prioritizing what brings them pleasure instead of buckling down and working on their personal life, relationships, or career. Like a Sagittarius, The Tempest is (sometimes cruelly) blunt and can accidentally hurt their loved ones with their words if they’re not thoughtful about what they say. To curb your dark tendencies: Pause before you run away on your next adventure and consider why you’re so restless. Is there a problem you’re running from? A person you’re trying to avoid? Consider confronting your problems as they arise rather than letting negative feelings build up inside you. Ground yourself with meditation, breathing exercises, or journaling to be less impulsive. It’s OK to be spontaneous now and then, but many life decisions require your thoughtful consideration.

Capricorn: The Leviathan (December 22–January 19)

The Leviathan is secretive, manipulative, and self-serving. The dark Capricorn has the best poker face in the zodiac—no one can tell what they’re thinking or feeling, even if they can sense there’s something sinister about them. They may maintain shallow friendships and appear to be agreeable until they see an opening to achieve what they want. When this happens, they don’t care much about who gets hurt or betrayed. The Leviathan may also speak negatively about or sabotage others behind their backs if it will help them succeed. To curb your dark tendencies: Use your natural inclination to control your emotions to be more open about what you’re feeling. Unlike the other black zodiac signs, you have a firm grip on your inner demons and can choose to do good. Work on deepening your relationships with the people closest to you. While choosing secrecy may seem easier, having people in your life you can be vulnerable with will build you up and help you accomplish more in the long term.

Aquarius: The Beast (January 20–February 18)

The Beast self-sacrifices too much and collapses under others’ needs. Like an Aquarius, The Beast is altruistic in nature and many people depend on them. However, The Beast tends to take on more than they can realistically handle and neglects their own health, well-being, and sanity. Eventually, everything comes crashing down and this dark air sign is left depleted and unable to take care of themselves. The Beast can be rude or overly negative when they're overwhelmed and unable to get any help or relief from supporting other people. To curb your dark tendencies: Strive to only take on what you have the time and energy for, even though it goes against your nature to say “no.” If you’re over-extended, you can’t support your loved ones as much as you’d like to. Reserve time to practice self-care and re-energize yourself so that when you’re ready to lend a helping hand, you’re refreshed and fully present.

Pisces: The Sword (February 19–March 20)

The Sword is a sore loser and will do whatever it takes to win. The black inverse of Pisces is strong and frequently comes out on top, often at the expense of hurting or losing friendships. They can’t imagine defeat and may use harsh words, sabotage other people, or ignore their own well-being to succeed. They may regret their actions later on, but in the moment, they act without empathy or regard for anyone’s emotions. The Sword tends to be selfish, thinking that they “deserve” or were “meant to” win. To curb your dark tendencies: Pick your battles. Remember that not everything has to be a competition, and the success of another doesn't take away from your own self-worth or achievements. To be less competitive, consider what’s triggering you to go to battle. Is it jealousy? Insecurity? Addressing these underlying emotions can help you stop comparing yourself to others and find peace more easily.

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