How to Visit a Mosque (Masjid)
How to Visit a Mosque (Masjid)
In Islam, a mosque (masjid) is a house of worship. Spiritual activities such as prayer, sermons, meeting others, and Qur'an (scripture of Islam) classes often take place in them.[1]
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How can you be respectful when you enter a mosque, especially if you're visiting a mosque for the first time? This wikiHow will guide you through the do's and don'ts of etiquette for visiting a mosque, for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

"The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided." [Qur'an 9:18 translated by Sahih International][2]
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Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many mosques have started requiring masks and physical distancing, and have moved activities outdoors.

Before Entering

Research the prayer times. Visit the mosque's website (by performing a web search) and locate the listed prayer times. The mosque may be crowded up to 30 minutes before prayer times. If you're having trouble finding the mosque's website or the prayer times, refer to websites such as and On Friday afternoons, the congregational prayer (Salatul Jum'ah) occurs. Thus, it may be more crowded at this time.

Take off your footwear upon entering. Place it on the shelf provided by the mosque at the entrance. If you fear that your footwear may be stolen, you may keep it with you (e.g. in a plastic bag). In large mosques—especially those in foreign countries—you may wish to keep your footwear with you. Examples of large mosques include the Grand Mosque of Mecca, The Prophet's Mosque (in Medina), and the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates).

Follow the proper dress code. Both men and women should dress appropriately: Men: Should cover their upper body and lower body (at the bare minimum, to the knees). Examples of appropriate clothing for men are a t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt with pants or shorts that reach the knees. Avoid skin-tight clothing in favor of modest clothing that covers most of the body. Women: Muslim women should cover the entire body with modest clothing and a headscarf, except for their face, hands, and feet which they may show. A headscarf should always be worn in the mosque and must always be worn while praying. According to Islam, women may remove their headscarves when completely out of sight of unrelated males. Non-Muslim women are generally not bound to these rules but should wear modest clothing and not show excess skin.

Entering the Mosque

Silence your mobile phone. Set your phone to silent (instructions: iPhone and Android) or turn it off to avoid disturbing others.

Teach any children with you about the proper etiquette. Children are welcome and encouraged to visit mosques. However, to avoid disturbing others, they should not run around excessively or scream—especially while congregational prayers are in progress.

Locate the correct entrance. Most mosques are segregated into male and female areas. Females may be located to the side of males in the prayer space, upstairs, or in the back portion of the prayer space (musalla). There may be a separate entrance for women, or you may enter via one main entrance and continue to the respective hallway/stairway. Very large mosques such as the Grand Mosque of Mecca are not segregated. Do not run inside.

Understand the layout and design of the prayer space. There is often a large carpeted area where people pray and sit on. Chairs are only used for those who require them (e.g. medical reasons). Idols (which are strictly forbidden in Islam) and images of animate beings are never used. Elaborate mosques often use patterns and calligraphy instead to decorate the interior.

Recite the dua when entering and enter with the right foot (for Muslims). This is: .اللَّهُمَّ افْتَحْ لِي أَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ Transliteration: Allahuma af taḥ lee abwaaba raḥmatik. Translation: O Allah, open for me your doors of mercy.

Greet others with the Islamic greeting (for Muslims). The enterer should greet those inside with "As-salamu alaikum" (meaning "Peace be upon you"). The individuals already present should respond with "Wa alaikum-as-salam" (meaning "And unto you peace").

Pray tahiyyatul masjid ("greeting the mosque" prayer) (for Muslims). The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "If anyone of you enters a Mosque, he should not sit until he has prayed two rak'at." He also said: "When any one of you comes for the Friday (prayer) and the Imam comes out, (even then) should observe two rak'ahs (of prayer)."

Only invoke Allah while praying and supplicating (for Muslims). The Qur'an (Islamic religious scripture) reads (translated): "And [He revealed] that the masjids are for Allah, so do not invoke with Allah anyone." [72:18] To learn the proper method of supplicating, read How to Ask Dua.

Recite the dua when leaving and exit with the left foot (for Muslims). This is: .اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ Transliteration: Allahuma inni as'aluka min fadlik. Translation: "O Allah! I beg of you of your grace."

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