How to Throw a LGBT+ Coming Out Party
How to Throw a LGBT+ Coming Out Party
An LGBTQ coming out party is an event in which someone comes out as LGBTQ. If you've decided to come out to your friends and family with a coming out party, great job--that's the first part! The second part is to plan the party and set everything up.

Preparing For the Party

Figure out who you want to invite. Create a list of guests you would like to invite to your party. Choose guests that you already know aren't homophobic; otherwise, they might cause trouble at your party when you come out. Invite close friends and family you know will be supportive of you. There should be 5-15+ guests in order to have a party.

Choose where you want the party to be held. A party venue is a good choice if you're having 20 or more guests, while hosting the party at home is ideal for a group of 5 people. Choose an affordable place that fits your amount of guests. Make sure the space you choose is clean and tidied before the party.

Select a date and time. Pick a date when you and your guests aren't busy, like Saturday or Friday evening. Try to avoid picking a time near a big holiday such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays, since it will likely be inconvenient for your guests.

Decorating and Making Arrangements

Set up food and drinks, if there will be any. Since it's a party, you'll probably want to have food and drinks. Opt for non-alcoholic drinks that everyone can have, such as soda, lemonade, or juice. Great food options for a coming out party include pizza, chicken tenders, and potato chips. Finger foods are great for parties since they won't make a mess and can be eaten in one or two bites. Make sure you have enough food for each guest! Take into account any dietary needs of your guests.

Choose some fun activities. Pick out some fun activities you can do at the party, such as Twister, trivia, or truth or dare. You'll want to keep your guests entertained until the big moment. Be sure to also pick some party music to fill in the silence at the event.

Make a rainbow dessert. If you aren't the best at baking, you can order a dessert. Make rainbow cake, cupcakes, or donuts to celebrate being LGBTQ. You can even make rainbow jello if that's more your style. You might have to make/order two desserts if you are having lots of guests. You can make the cake rainbow or ice it white on the outside and make the inside rainbow. You can alternatively make treats iced and decorated as your own pride flag (i.e, a pink, orange, and white cake if you're coming out as lesbian).

Invite your guests. Create invitations and send them out over email or by a letter. Digital invitations are more ideal. Remember to ask the guests if they can RSVP to know if they can come. Include the date and time of the party in the invitations. If you want your coming out to be a surprise party, don't make the invite about you coming out. Simply say it's an "announcement party" where you have something important to say.

Put up rainbow decorations. This is one of the most important parts of having a coming out party. Set up rainbow banners, tablecloths, and balloons to tie in the rainbow theme.

Coming Out at the Party

Ask for everyone's attention. Clink your glass, stand up, or step to the front of the room. Start with, "I'd like to thank everybody for attending this party. I would like to make an important announcement," and go to the next step.

Come out. After getting everyone's attraction, come out with a statement like "I'd like everyone to know that I'm pansexual. That means I'm attracted to people of all genders." It doesn't have to be serious when you come out. Make it more entertaining by including a pun, such as, "I asked my friends whether or not they understood what it meant to be pansexual. I couldn't get a straight answer!"

Continue with the party. After you come out, serve the dessert, play games, and chat.

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