How to View Durability in Minecraft
Durability is displayed in a color-changing bar on the item. Most tools, weapons, or pieces of armor that have been used at least once will have a durability bar at the bottom of their icon that changes color as the durability of the item decreases. The bar changes from green, to yellow, to orange, to red. Once the bar is empty, the item will break very soon. One exception is items with the "unbreakable" tag. These items will not break and do not show a durability bar, even when used. Buckets, clocks, compasses, leads, spyglasses, and recovery compasses don't have durability. When using a bow, fishing rod, carrot on a stick, flint and steel, warped fungi on a stick, brush, or elytra to break a block, they will not lower in durability. These tools have their durability lowered in other ways.
Press F3+H to view numeric durability values in Java Edition. This shortcut will display extra info in the tooltips for your items, including the numeric durability value of your tools, weapons, or armor. If you have a smaller keyboard, first press Fn+F3, then release Fn. While still holding down F3, press H. If the shortcut doesn't work, try it again with your inventory closed. Users have reported this shortcut doesn't work if you're in your inventory when you press it. If the shortcut still doesn't work, go to your options.txt file in your Minecraft folder. Search for advancedItemTooltips and change false to true. Save the file, then try again. If you're on Bedrock Edition, this shortcut will unfortunately not work.
Durability Mods
There are a number of durability mods for Minecraft. Here are some of the most popular ones: Durability Tooltip adds durability to your item tooltips without having to do any keyboard shortcuts. Durability101 adds an item's numeric durability value above its durability bar. Durability Notifier notifies you when your item is low on durability. Durability Show adds a section to your HUD that shows the remaining durability of your armor, tools, and weapons.
Durability Values
Armor Armor durability depends on its material and what armor piece it is. Turtle Shell: Helmet: 275 Leather: Helmet: 55 Chestplate: 80 Leggings: 75 Boots: 65 Golden: Helmet: 77 Chestplate: 112 Leggings: 105 Boots: 91 Chainmail: Helmet: 165 Chestplate: 240 Leggings: 225 Boots: 195 Iron: Helmet: 165 Chestplate: 240 Leggings: 225 Boots: 195 Diamond: Helmet: 353 Chestplate: 528 Leggings: 495 Boots: 429 Netherite: Helmet: 407 Chestplate: 592 Leggings: 555 Boots: 481 EXPERT TIP Zac Churchill Zac Churchill Minecraft Specialist Zac Churchill is a Minecraft Specialist based in Davidson, North Carolina. Zac has played Minecraft for over 10 years and has extensive knowledge of how to play Minecraft and how the game has changed over the different versions. Specifically, Zac has expert experience in survival worlds, large builds on creative mode, and server design/upkeep. He graduated in 2023 with a BA in Sociology and English from Tufts University. Zac Churchill Zac Churchill Minecraft Specialist Don't throw away your Diamond gear once you start getting Netherite ingots. Netherite armor is the strongest and most durable armor in the game, but you must combine Netherite ingots with Diamond gear to make the Netherite version.
Tools The amount of times a tool can be used depends on its material. Gold: 32 uses Wood: 59 uses Stone: 131 uses Iron: 250 uses Diamond: 1561 uses Netherite: 2031 uses
Special tools Special tools that aren't made of a specific material have their own maximum number of uses. Carrot on a stick: 25 uses Fishing rod, flint and steel, brush: 64 uses In Bedrock Edition, the fishing rod has 384 uses. Warped fungus on a stick, sparkler, glow stick: 100 uses The sparkler and glow stick are only available in Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education. Shears: 238 uses Trident: 250 uses Shield: 336 uses Bow: 384 uses Elytra: 432 uses Crossbow: 465 uses In Bedrock Edition, the crossbow has 464 uses.
How Durability Decreases
Armor durability is decreased when you take damage that is reduced by armor. For every four hearts of incoming damage (rounded down), each piece of your armor loses one point of durability. Armor durability can be decreased by the following types of damage: Melee attacks Ranged attacks with an arrow, shulker bullet, trident, egg, snowball, llama spit, fireball, or wither skull Guardian and elder guardian laser beams Lightning strike Falling anvils or stalactites Touching a fire, lava, or magma block (unless wearing Netherite armor) Touching a cactus Moving inside a sweet berry bush Explosions Touching a pointed dripstone Armor durability is not decreased by these types of damage: Fire damage over time Suffocating inside a block Hitting the world border Drowning in water Fall damage Hitting a block while using elytra Magic Being in a powder snow block Falling into the void Using the /kill command Starvation The Warden's ranged sonic attacks
Tool and weapon durability is decreased in a variety of ways. This includes breaking blocks, attacking mobs, and other speciality actions for each type of tool. If a tool is used to break a block but you stop before the block is broken, it does not count as a use. For the most part, breaking blocks that break immediately count as 0 uses. Using a tool or weapon for its intended use usually counts as 1 use. For example, using an axe to break a block or using a sword to attack an enemy. Using an axe, pickaxe, shovel, or hoe to hit a mob counts as 2 uses. Using a specialty tool (i.e. shears, fishing rods, etc.) for anything other than their intended purpose usually counts as 0 uses. The exception is the shears; breaking a block with the shears counts as 1 use. Specialty tools may use up more uses depending on how you use them. For example, the fishing rod can use anywhere from 1-5 uses, depending on how you use it.
Increasing Durability
There are a number of ways to increase durability once it's been used. These methods are as follows: Combine two damaged items in the crafting grid or a grindstone Repair a damaged item with materials in an anvil Use the Mending enchantment
You can also prevent durability loss with the Unbreaking enchantment. If an item has the Unbreaking enchantment, it may not lose durability when being used. While this doesn't technically restore durability, it stops durability from being used up.
Give yourself an unbreakable item. While this also technically doesn't increase durability, you can use a cheat code to give yourself items that never break. Note that you must be playing Java Edition to use this cheat code.
The code is /give @s
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