How to Get an Idolized Reputation at Goodsprings in Fallout: New Vegas
How to Get an Idolized Reputation at Goodsprings in Fallout: New Vegas
If there's one thing you may have noticed that's unique about Fallout: New Vegas, it is probably the reputations you can earn with individual settlements. Goodsprings, the quaint town you start the game in, is only one of many, but this article will teach you how to effectively reach the highest stage of respect: "Idolized".

Accept the training offer from Sunny Smiles after leaving Doc Mitchell's house (she can be found in the saloon). She will take you out to check the water pumps and kill some geckos. Complete the entire exercise. Near the end, a Goodsprings settler will come under attack by geckos. Execute them before she can be killed (yes, you have to do this to earn the highest "good" reputation; there are only so many jobs in Goodsprings).

Fix Trudy's radio. At the Goodsprings bar, fixing the radio will slightly raise your reputation. You may have to come back and do this, unless you tagged Repair as one of your beginning skills. If you lack the aptitude, there's an issue of Fixin' Things in the Prospector Saloon that temporarily gives you +10 Repair (or +20 with the Comprehension perk).

Come to Ringo's aid. He is hiding from local Powder Gangers in the abandoned gas station, and he will enlist your services to fend them off. Recruit the townsfolk. Before the upcoming Ghost Town Gunfight quest battle, talk to Easy Pete, Doc Mitchell, Trudy, Sunny Smiles, and Chet about protecting the town. Doing so will earn their trust, and effectively increase your reputation once the quest is done. If you have 25 points or more in Explosives, Easy Pete will give you five sticks of dynamite to use in the fight. If you have 25 points or more in Barter, Chet will give you and the rest of the fighters leather armor. You can also pay him 1000 caps to accomplish this. If you have 25 points or more in either Speech or Sneak, Trudy will join the fight and convince one or two more settlers to join. Doc Mitchell will help you no matter what. He will give you three Stimpaks, and if you have 30 points or more in Medicine, he will give you two additional Doctor's Bags. Get an Idolized Reputation at Goodsprings in Fallout_ New Vegas Step 4.jpg When you finish the quest, the Powder Gangers will be dead, and Ringo a free man. If everything is done right, you will be "Idolized" at Goodsprings.Get an Idolized Reputation at Goodsprings in Fallout_ New Vegas Step 5.jpg

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