Level Sliggoo up to at least Level 50. Goomy evolves into Sliggoo at Level 40, which means you'll have to gain 10 levels until you can start evolving into Goodra. You can raise Sliggoo's level by fighting in battles or using Rare Candies. Sliggoo is a Dragon-type Pokémon, and is strong against Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric. This makes it great against a lot of the starter and wild Pokémon, but can lead to tough fights against other Dragon-types. If you can raise Sliggoo to Level 49, gain enough experience to almost hit Level 50, and then stop. This will allow you to quickly level it when it rains, which Sliggoo requires to evolve.
Find a rainy spot. Sliggoo can only evolve when it is raining out. Rain is random, but you'll have better luck finding it in the following areas: X and Y - Routes 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, Shalour, Kiloude, and Couriway. Rain can take a long time to show up, or it could appear immediately. Stay patient and you'll find yourself in a downpour eventually. Keep Sliggoo in your party but take care of other things. You'll probably happen across some rain when you least expect it. Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby - It is always raining on Route 120 in the tall grass, making it the perfect place to evolve Sliggoo. Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - It is always raining in Po Town, so this is a great place to evolve Sliggoo in these games. Rain created by Rain Dance or Drizzle will not cause the evolution. It must be natural rain.
Level up Sliggoo in the rain to evolve into Goodra. You can either fight a battle that gives Sliggoo enough experience to level up, or you can give it a Rare Candy to have it level up immediately. Either way, it must be at least Level 50 before it can evolve.
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