Need to draw an eggplant as part of a garden or salad picture? You've come to the right place! Follow this easy tutorial to sketch a simple, cute version of everyone's favorite purple fruit.
Start by drawing a curved oval shape. Try to make the right side bigger than the left. This will serve as the body of the brinjal.
Over the left end of the oval shape draw a semicircle. Add a couple of spikes to give it shape. This will be the cap of the brinjal.
Draw a stem-like shape on top of the cap. This will be the brinjal's stem.
Go over the outline of the aubergine. Use a sharp pencil or a dark felt tip pen. Erase any pencil lines that you don't need.
Add in color. Use shades of purple for the body and shades of green and grey for the cap and stem.
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