Leader Cliff's Team
Leader Cliff's team has been updated for March 2024. Currently, Cliff's team can include the following Pokémon in Pokémon GO: Phase 1 will always have a Shadow Zubat. Phase 2 can have either a Shadow Kingdra, Gallade, or Aerodactyl. Phase 3' can have either a Shadow Tyranitar, Cradily, or Crobat.
Best Pokémon to Beat Cliff
Focus on Fighting-, Steel-, and Dragon-types to beat Leader Cliff. Below are some of the best choices to beat Leader Cliff, but you should use Pokémon you have that are the strongest, as even a strong Pokémon can beat a non-ideal encounter. If you'd like to formulate your own team, keep reading the rest of this section to learn more about what Pokémon types are best for each phase. Metagross: Bring a Metagross with Zen Headbutt and Psychic to target a number of weaknesses on Cliff's team. Haxorus: Bring a Haxorus that knows Dragon Tail and Breaking Swipe to deal with Kingdra, who is only weak to Dragon- and Fairy-types. Lucario: Bring along a Lucario that knows Counter, Power-Up Punch, and Shadow Ball to take down multiple Pokémon in the third round. Mewtwo: Bring a Mewtwo that knows Confusion and Psystrike to tackle Cliff's Zubat, as well as a few other weaknesses on his potential team Xurkitree: Bring along a Xurkitree that knows Thunder Shock and Discharge as a strong counter against Zubat, Aerodactyl, and Crobat.
The best Pokémon for Phase 1 should be able to burn shields quickly. Lucario is a great choice, even though Zubat takes reduced damage from Fighting-type moves. Metagross also works well here, as Zubat is weak to Psychic-type moves.
Pick a strong Pokémon for Phase 2. Phase 2 has quite a bit of variety for Cliff's current team. Kingdra is only weak to Fairy- or Dragon-types, so Haxorus is a good choice for a counter. Aerodactyl is weak to Electric- and Steel-type moves, so Metagross or Xurkitree would work here. And Gallade is only weak to Fairy-, Flying-, and Ghost-type moves, though you can use a strong shield-breaker like Lucario or Mewtwo to break through.
The best Pokémon for Phase 3 has Fighting-type moves. Lucario is a good counter for both Tyranitar and Cradily, as these Pokémon are both weak to Fighting-type moves. Crobat is an outlier, but you can take it down easily if you have a Mewtwo, Metagross, or Xurkitree on your team.
How to Challenge Leader Cliff
Meet the prerequisites. To battle a Team GO Rocket Leader like Cliff, you must have the following two prerequisites: Be at least Trainer Level 8 Collect 6 Mysterious Components (by defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts) and craft a Rocket Radar
Equip the Rocket Radar and navigate to the PokéStop it indicates. The indicated PokéStop is secretly a Leader Hideout, but the Hideout looks like a normal PokéStop until you're in range. You can tell that a PokéStop is a Leader Hideout because a Team GO Rocket Leader will be standing next to it.
Tap the Leader to challenge them. If you lose the battle, you can re-challenge the Leader until the Leader Hideout disappears from the map. If the Leader Hideout disappears, you can keep challenging Leaders at new Hideouts, as your Rocket Radar is not consumed until you win a battle against a leader.
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