How to Be Wittier
How to Be Wittier
The easiest way to improve your wit is to study other people with admirable senses of humor. You can do this by listening to comedy podcasts, watching witty performers, or reading humorous writing. It's important to practice your skills when you're talking with other people and show confidence so people know you believe in yourself. By thinking creatively and having fun, you'll be showing off your wit in no time.

Finding Opportunities to be Witty

Respond to questions or statements in a humorous way. Being witty isn’t about memorizing funny jokes or quotes—it’s about learning how to come up with creative responses on the fly. Try adding a tinge of humor to normal questions to begin practicing your wit. For example, the question “How would you spend a million dollars?” invites all sorts of creative thinking; responding with “Quite happily” answers it in a humorous way. If you're having trouble thinking of creative responses, go for a dry, direct approach. For example, you might answer with "the sky" if someone asks you "What's up?"

Think outside the box to come up with unique jokes. Witty people are able to see the world from a unique perspective, which then lets them come up with witty things to say. Come up with your own unique perspectives or realizations about things, and use your ideas to create witty conversation topics. Read up on current events, pop culture, and other sources of news and information to give you lots of material to create your own opinion about. Draw connections between words and their different meanings. For example, if you're talking about Spider Man, create a joke using the word "web," which could be referring to a spider web or the Internet.

Practice making puns. While puns may seem more just like a simple joke than wit, a great pun plays on the connections between words and makes the listener think. Practicing making puns will help your mind learn to make connections to things quickly. An example of a pun might be, "Without geometry, life is pointless." To improve your puns, spend time learning new words, practicing rhyming, and read puns in books and online.

Honing Your Delivery

Choose material depending on your audience. Though you should work on developing your own brand of humor, you should always be aware of the type of people you are around, and the particular things they find funny or offensive. This includes your audience’s age group, political views, or pop culture likes and dislikes. If you're around a group of people who are very sensitive about religion, for example, then try to avoid jokes about this topic. You might use different language and jokes around your close friends than you would with your grandparents.

Show confidence in your body language and tone. Before you can begin to impress people with your wit, you have to give off a confident vibe to show people that you are comfortable with yourself as well as the jokes you tell. Standing tall, speaking clearly, and making eye contact when you deliver the punch line shows that you’re relaxed and confident. If you mumble your jokes, people may ask you to repeat yourself and the humor will be lost. Part of being witty is being sharp and quick, so don't hesitate too long or people won't understand how your funny comment connects to the conversation.

Listen to the people around you. Instead of focusing your thoughts on the next witty line you’ll say, pause and really listen to the conversation that’s going on around you. This helps you understand the details of what’s being said and will help you come up with the perfect joke that aligns well with the conversation. Listening to others will also help you pick up on funny and witty things that the people around you are saying so that you can learn from them as well. Michael Bungay Stanier Michael Bungay Stanier, Life Coach Humor is a powerful tool for creating connection and building relationships. It can help to break down barriers and bring people together.

Be concise when telling a joke. Some of the wittiest responses are quick one-liners. Instead of rambling or making the joke excessively long, try to come up with quick comebacks that are only a line or two so the joke doesn’t lose its punch. For example, “Velcro—what a rip-off!” is a good example of a joke that's simple yet witty.

Avoid putting pressure on yourself. It’s hard to tell a perfect joke every time you come up with one, so don’t feel bad if you tell a bad joke or two. As long as you keep practicing, your wit will become better with time. If nobody laughs at your jokes, just shake it off and say, "I'll get 'em next time," or "Whoops—wrong audience." It also helps to not take yourself too seriously. That is key to the art of being witty.

Studying Witty People

Listen to comedy podcasts. There are tons of podcasts you can listen to about all sorts of topics, from interviews with famous comedians to funny talks about what’s going on around the world. Just by doing a quick online search, you’re bound to come up with interesting podcasts that will give you great examples of how to be witty. Some podcasts you might listen to include Ask Me Another, Free to a Good Home, or Comedy Bang! Bang!

Read the works of witty people. These could be classics from authors like Shakespeare, blog posts about how to mix humor into conversations, or novels full of witty thoughts and remarks. Read as much as you can—the more you know about the world, the more likely you are to have an unbiased and unique perspective of the things around you. Memoirs from famous comedians are full of wit and interesting stories. Kurt Vonnegut and Mark Twain are two more examples of authors who used their wit in their writing. Satirical websites like the Onion are known for their humorous articles.

Watch witty performances. Watching witty people perform not only lets you hear their jokes, but it’s also a great chance to look at how they present themselves to their audience through their body language. Start watching witty performances on television, YouTube, or even in person. SNL or any other late-night comedy show are great examples to look for. Go online to search for movies or shows with witty characters in them. See if your area has any local comedy sketches that you can watch.

Learn new words to expand your vocabulary. In your studies of witty people, it’s likely you’ll come across new or rarely used words. Adding to your vocabulary will not only make you smarter, but it will allow you to create more connections between words, strengthening your wit in conversations. Consider signing up for a free online service that sends you a new vocabulary word each day, or pick up a thesaurus in your free time and look through a page or two.

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