How to Argue With Teachers
How to Argue With Teachers
While you shouldn’t regularly argue with your teachers, there may be times you may need to confront them if you feel like you’re being treated unfairly or want to change a bad grade. Arguing with your teacher doesn’t mean fighting or yelling at them. Instead, have a well-thought-out discussion with them so they can see you’re respectful. A teacher might not always agree with you, but you can boost your chances by being polite and talking through the problem!

Choosing Your Battles

Pick arguments that you can defend well. Make sure your argument is related to the coursework or about how you’re doing in the class. Avoid starting any arguments about personal subjects or things unrelated to the class since they could be distracting. Pick an argument that you can easily defend with facts rather than your own opinions. For example, don’t start an argument about a seating arrangement because you want to sit next to a friend. Something you could argue about is changing a seating arrangement if another student is bothering or cheating off of you. You can also talk to your teacher about how you’re performing in class, such as a missed assignment you’d like to turn in or a bad grade you want them to raise.

Plan your arguments ahead of time to anticipate your teacher’s responses. Split a piece of paper into 3 columns. Write down the main arguments you want to address in the leftmost column. Brainstorm what you think your teacher will say to each argument and write them down in the middle column. Try to come up with a response to what you think your teacher will say and fill in the rightmost column. For example, if you want to turn in an assignment late, you may write down, “I had a lot of other homework,” in the left column. The middle column may read, “You should have planned better.” Finally, the right column may read something like, “I should have planned better, but I had a game last night and wasn’t able to complete it.”

Ask your teacher to meet with you privately. Talk to your teacher after they’re done giving their lesson so you don’t interrupt them. Let them know that you have concerns you want to talk about and see if they have time to talk in private. If they don’t have time immediately, ask if you can come back during an off hour or if you can schedule an appointment with them so you can have a discussion. For example, you may say, “Mr. Smith, would you have time to talk after class today in your office?” See if your teacher is available during a lunch period so you both have time to talk within school hours.Warning: Don’t argue with your teacher in front of other students since it could interrupt their lesson plan and create an awkward situation in the class.

Presenting Your Argument

Explain the situation that you disagree with to your teacher. Once you’re with the teacher in private, calmly talk about your main arguments. Speak with a clear voice and present your arguments and why you think you’re right. Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements to avoid placing blame on your teacher. Maintain eye contact so you can connect with your teacher and show them you care about the subject. For example, you may say, “I know your policy on turning in late work, but I would like to turn this assignment if I can.”Tip: Be respectful while you’re talking to your teacher. Think of it as a conversation rather than an argument or debate.

Listen to your teacher respectfully. Wait for your teacher to respond, and answer any questions if they have any. Keep your hands at your sides and avoid fidgeting so you can give the teacher your full attention. Once they finish what they’re saying, take a few seconds to think about what they said before thoughtfully replying. Agree with your teacher if they say something that they’re right about. For example, if your teacher says, “You can’t turn in an assignment after the due date,” you may say, “You’re right, the paper is late and I should have turned it in on time.” Don’t interrupt your teacher while they’re talking.

Avoid getting angry throughout the argument. Maintaining your cool will help you keep you respectful and make it seem like you care more about the class. Always speak in a calm tone of voice so it doesn’t sound like you’re attacking your teacher. Instead of telling the teacher they’re wrong, try to look for a polite way to correct them. For example, if you got blamed for littering in the classroom and the teacher gave you detention, you may say, “I understand you’re upset about the paper on the floor, but it wasn’t me and I shouldn’t have detention for something I didn’t do.” If you start feeling frustrated, take a deep breath and wait for it to pass before talking again. If your teacher starts getting angry, drop the subject and leave.

Finding a Resolution

Look for a compromise if you don’t get what you originally asked for. Brainstorm 1-2 alternate options to pick from at the end of your argument. When you've finished your discussion with your teacher, ask them if they are able to make any changes. Even if you can’t get exactly what you wanted, see if they are willing to make any sort of exception. For example, you may say, “I know a 3-page paper was due yesterday, but could I turn in a 5-page paper tomorrow for partial points?”Tip: Ask if there are any extra points or things you can do outside of the curriculum if you need help to boost a low grade.

Be okay with your teacher saying no. Although arguing may make your teacher change their mind, they may still be strict with their rules. If they tell you there’s nothing they can do, it may be better to thank them for listening and put an end to the argument. Your teacher will see that you’re driven and that you care, so they may treat you fairly or be more flexible later on. Don’t get angry with your teacher if they tell you no. Always stay polite so it doesn’t feel like you’re attacking them.

Work hard in class to avoid any future arguments with your teacher. After you meet and talk with your teacher, pay attention to class and make sure to do all of your work on time. Participate in class discussions and do your best so your teacher sees that you care about your coursework.

Reach out to a counselor or parent if you still have trouble with your teacher. If your teacher won’t listen to you or they’re treating you unfairly after your conversation, try talking to your parents or a guidance counselor at school to see if they can help you with your issue. Let them know that you tried talking to the teacher and explain how they reacted. If there is still an issue that needs to be resolved, your counselor or parents can step in and reach out to the teacher themselves to help. If your teacher got angry with you during your discussion, tell an administrator or the principal about their behavior as soon as you can.

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