
Logging in Online
Navigate to the American Express gift card web page. Open a browser on your computer, and go to: https://balance.amexgiftcard.com/. If you don’t have a computer handy, you can also access the page on a smartphone or tablet. Several American Express websites will direct you to the site: http://AmexGiftCard.com/balance. This is an older version of the site listed above, but the URL will direct you to the same page.
Enter your card information into the given boxes. Type into the respective boxes your gift card’s 15-digit card number, with no spaces between the digits. Also type in the card’s expiration date and 4-digit card-identification code (CID). The CID can be found on the front of the card. If you like, you can also enter you email address, although it’s optional. Entering you email will allow American Express to contact you with information about your card and other offers.
Click on “Sign in” to complete the card registration. This will complete your card activation. In some cases, depending on your browser and login location, you may need to click on the “I’m not a robot” box in the Captcha field before clicking “Sign in” and finishing the activation. At this point, the card will be ready to use. If you entered your email address previously, you’ll receive an email confirming your gift card’s activation.
Call the number listed on your card to activate it over the phone. On the reverse side of your card, you should see a toll-free phone number beginning with 1-800 or 1-888. If you don’t have internet connectivity, call this number to activate your card. Navigate the automated menu (listen for options about gift cards and activation), and enter the card’s 16-digit number, expiration date, and 4-digit CID when prompted. If the automated menus are too difficult to navigate, you can press “0” to speak with a person.
Preparing to Use the Card
Sign your name on the back of the gift card. Use a blue or black ink pen and sign your signature in the box provided. Having your signature on the back of the card will allow store clerks to verify your identity by checking the signature on the card against your signature on your driver’s license or a credit card. It will also help you find the gift card if you ever happen to lose it. Wait 20–30 minutes after you sign the card before putting it into your pocket or wallet, to make sure the ink is dry.
Write down the card information in case it’s lost or stolen. Before you start using your card, write down the card number, 4-digit CID on the front of the card, and the 3-digit card security code (CSC) on the back of the card. In the case of a lost or stolen American Express gift card, call the American Express customer service number that was provided on the back of your card. If you live in the U.S., the number is: 1-888-846-4308. In most cases, if your card has been lost or stolen, American Express will reimburse you for the amount of money remaining on the gift card (not counting any funds that you’ve already spent).
Check the card’s balance before making a purchase. If you’re not sure how much money is on your card (e.g., if the person who gave you the card didn’t specify how much the card is worth), find out online. Find the balance by navigating to: https://balance.amexgiftcard.com/. Type in the card number and security code, press “Sign In,” and the next web page will show your total card balance. Once you’ve started using the card regularly, you can also check the balance online at any point. Knowing the balance of your card before you go shopping can prevent you from accidentally maxing out the card.
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