How to Activate a Chakra Bracelet with Good Energy
How to Activate a Chakra Bracelet with Good Energy
Chakra bracelets are beautiful, but they're also essential in keeping your chakras, or energy points, open. You'll notice 7 colorful crystals on your bracelet—each of these represents a chakra. Some people believe that when they're activated and open, the crystals' natural vibrations can pick up good energy that you put into them. Read on to learn the simple process for activating your chakra bracelet.

Cleanse your chakra bracelet.

Submerge the bracelet in a bowl of charging items. Spiritual Advisor Emily Christensen cautions, "neutral energy, something that is not tainted one way or the other, is the most balancing for our body. When you buy crystals, the energy of [anyone who has interacted with the crystal] rubs off. So make sure you're clearing your bracelet." She shares her own clearing process: "I make a healing bath for my crystals." She goes on to explain, "I have a salt bowl, and I bought hematite [and] rosemary [and] I have a bunch of tiny little crystals. And I just put [things that need to be cleared] in there. I have Amethyst in there too." She even clears her own energy by sticking her hands in the bowl from time to time. You can dip your bracelet in plain water to remove dirt and oil. You don't have to add soap or salt to the water. In fact, saltwater could damage some of the crystals on your chakra bracelet. Just dip the bracelet into water and then dry it with a soft cloth. If you don't like to remove your chakra bracelet, you could wear it the next time you take a bath.

Remove negative energy from the bracelet.

Expose the bracelet to sunlight, moonlight, or smoke. Spiritual advisor Emily Christensen highlights, "if you really want to charge [your bracelet] with good energy, use Reiki sunlight." She also cautions, "be careful with moonlight because you're working with the shadow elements of our psyche, so there's always more of a lesson involved in charging anything with moonlight." There are lots of ways to cleanse negative energy from your crystals, so use your favorite method. You could set the bracelet out under sunlight or moonlight for instance, or burn sage, so the smoke can cleanse the crystals. You could even submerge your bracelet in dry, brown rice and leave it overnight. Then, discard the rice, so you don't consume the negative energy.

Relax and find a quiet space to sit.

Choose a spot that helps you unwind where you won't be distracted. You might find a quiet place outside or pick a room in your home that isn't noisy or bustling. Turn off all electronic devices and anything else that might distract you. Some people prefer to activate their crystals or bracelets during a full moon since the moon helps you reflect on your emotions and energies.

Get into a meditative state.

Close your eyes and engage all of your senses, so you focus your energy. Get comfortable and ask yourself what you see, hear, smell, and touch. You're picking up on the energies of your environment right now and you'll use this to activate your bracelet. Take as long as you like thinking about your surroundings. Remember, you can't rush this process, but you'll find it's easier to activate your bracelet if you're connected to the energetic vibrations around you.

Hold the bracelet in your hands.

You can hold it in the palm of 1 hand or press it between both palms. Choose whichever feels the most comfortable for you. Then, keep your hand in front of your chest. Some people prefer to hold the bracelet up between your eyes, so you can open your third eye as you activate the bracelet. Many think of the third eye as the window to the spiritual world and by activating a chakra bracelet near your third eye, you can unblock it.

Focus your energy into the bracelet.

Think about what you want the bracelet to do as you focus. Usually, when you charge crystals, you assign them a task to do. As Spiritual Advisor Emily Christensen shares, it's important to "understand what your intention is. Is it just to balance your chakras? Is it to amplify your energy, give you protection?" Or maybe you're hoping for healing, new opportunities, more emotional connection, or relief from anxiety. Keep your intentions positive. For example, instead of dwelling on the anxiety you're feeling, visualize the calm, peaceful mindset that you're hoping to achieve.

Recite a mantra or affirmation.

You can speak it out loud or think the mantra in your mind. A mantra or affirmation helps you focus your intention and energy into the chakra bracelet, so be as specific as possible. Here are a few affirmations or mantras you could use for your bracelet: "I open myself up to new opportunities and experiences.” "I program this bracelet to activate my intuition." "I'm allowing myself to feel calm and at peace." "I program this bracelet to amplify love for myself and others."

Practice rhythmic breathing.

Continue to regulate your breathing as you focus your energies. You can take as long as you like to activate the bracelet—there's no set rule for how long you need to repeat affirmations. Keep breathing and focusing until you believe you've charged your bracelet. You can cleanse and activate your chakra bracelet as often as you like. If you wear the bracelet every day, you might find that activating it once a week helps keep the energy open.

Wear the bracelet after you activate it.

The chakra crystals should give off the energy you put into them. You don't have to consciously keep repeating affirmations since you programmed the bracelet when you activated it. So, if you're hoping for healing or relief from anxiety, for instance, wearing the bracelet can keep those intentions close to you. If you don't want to wear the chakra bracelet, you can stick it in your pocket so it's still close to you.

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