Do Girls Like Thin Guys? According to Experts, Yes
Do Girls Like Thin Guys? According to Experts, Yes
The media and society are constantly pushing the message that you’ve gotta be a jacked guy to be hot—but are women really drawn to bulky dudes across the board, or do the Pete Davidsons and Timothée Chalamets of the world have more to offer than their personalities? The answer is yes, they do—girls really do like skinny guys! Keep reading to find out why, plus take a deep dive with us into the science of attraction to find out what really drives the ladies wild.
Things You Should Know
  • Women like skinny guys, but they’re drawn to personality over looks: being confident and kind are more important than being physically attractive.
  • Ladies may be drawn to skinny guys because they tend to live longer and be healthier than heavier guys, and because they may perceive skinny guys as more confident.
  • You can feel (and therefore become) more attractive by practicing personal grooming, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and smiling.

Do girls like skinny guys?

Lots of women like skinny guys—but they value personality over looks. Pete Davidson, the Warren Beatty of our era and alleged inspiration behind the term “Big Dick Energy,” is pretty much the opposite of buff. So is it his personality that reels in the ladies, or his bod? Studies suggest it could be both! When it comes to long-term relationships, women aren’t as interested in big, muscular guys as we think, and many women actually prefer a thinner fellow. But what they’re most interested in is how kind, intelligent, and confident their partner is, with kindness being the most important element. In fact, studies suggest that women prefer a thinner, less buff man than most guys assume, while most guys want a heavier girl than most women assume! Anecdotal evidence lines up with the science. Post the question “Do girls like skinny guys?” to any wide-reaching forum like Reddit or Quora and you’ll see an outpouring of answers that basically all amount to “Yes!!!! ????”

Why do girls like skinny guys?

Some girls just find skinny dudes hot! We can talk about kindness and confidence 'til the cows come home, but the fact is it's not just a good personality that makes a guy attractive: a huge number of women are turned on by thin guys with defined features. Whether you're slender but built or straight-up skin and bones, a lot of women prefer a slim partner. A lot of us have been conditioned to think of the "ideal man" as having a strong jaw and buff facial features, but studies indicate most women are attracted to men with thin, more defined faces.

Skinny guys tend to live longer than bigger guys. Obesity tends to increase the risk of contracting various health issues, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. So while you may get tired of being called “skinny,” being naturally thin likely makes it easier for you to keep off extra weight that could negatively affect your health. The fact that skinny guys may live longer than heavier guys may be especially attractive to women looking for a long-term partner, since women tend to live 5 years longer than men as it is.

And because they live longer, their offspring may live longer, too. Another thing skinny dudes have going for them is that they’re likely to pass their skinny dude genes on to the next generation. In other words, the longer life a skinny bod might afford you is likely to be passed on to your kids. In the same way a woman may be drawn to a long-term partner she believes will be around for the long haul, if she’s interested in having a family, she may be attracted to a guy whom she believes will make a good father, both personality-wise and genetically speaking.

Skinny guys may also be perceived as more confident. There’s not really evidence to suggest skinny guys are more confident than jacked dudes, but there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that body dysmorphia may lead men to obsessively bulk up. This may suggest a correlation between thin men and confidence—which is one reason some women might prefer skinny guys. Many of us have been conditioned to think muscles = testosterone = manliness, but in fact, studies show extra muscles don’t automatically lead to higher testosterone levels. So in the end, it’s really being confident (not cocky or arrogant, mind you) that'll attract the ladies, whether you look like a pre-spider bite Peter Parker, post-spider bite Peter Parker, or, like, the Incredible Hulk.

How to Be More Physically Attractive (No Matter Your Weight)

Stay well-groomed. Luring the ladies might be as simple as just being more intentional about your looks. Being well-groomed doesn’t mean shelling out money for a new wardrobe or getting a makeover to match what you think women want you to look like. It just means showering regularly, combing your hair, and putting a little thought into your wardrobe now and then. What’s more, spending a few extra minutes on your appearance each morning is likely to boost your self-esteem, which will make you more attractive on its own.

Smile more. If you think you’ve got to be a stoic, scowling manly man in order to be attractive, think again: across the board, people of all genders and orientations find a great smile totally swoon-worthy. Like personal grooming, general pleasantness—including a nice, easy smile and a friendly attitude—can affect how attractive you come off to others. In fact, despite stereotypes about masculinity being linked to large genitalia, studies show a nice smile is more important to women than genitalia (and speaking of genitalia, most women aren’t actually on the hunt for a large package).

Exercise regularly. Try to get about 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week (or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise), and strength train all your major muscle groups 2 days a week. Mind you, we’re not telling you to work out to bulk up—moving your body is about staying healthy and feeling good, 2 qualities that’ll draw the ladies. Whatever makes you feel confident and happy makes you more attractive, so whether women are looking for Arnold Schwarzenegger or Timothée Chalamet, if you feel good bulking up, then bulk up! Great forms of aerobic activity include running, dancing, and swimming. When strength training, try to target all your major muscle groups, with one set of 15 reps for each muscle group.

Eat a healthy diet. Like exercising, eating a healthy diet can make you happier, healthier, and more confident, which can make you more attractive to others. A “healthy diet” looks different to different people, but whether your goal is to bulk up or just practice healthy eating habits, try to implement a diet rich in plant-based foods, lean proteins, and complex carbs and low in simple carbs and processed foods. If you want to maintain your current weight, generally try to burn as many calories as you consume each day—which, for the average person, is about 2000 calories. Food tracking apps like My Fitness Pal can help you track your daily caloric intake as well as make sure you’re getting enough nutrients. If you’re looking to bulk up, you may want to add more calories to your daily diet, as well as eats lots of lean protein.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of body type, most girls just want a kind, confident fella. Some people—regardless of gender—definitely have a “type,” but there’s no one-size-fits-all look you need to adopt to get the girl. In the end, women are most attracted to personality—so the more confident and happy you feel about your looks, the more attractive you’ll be. “Be yourself” is a cliché for a reason: the ladies love authenticity! This doesn’t mean looks don’t matter or don’t contribute to attraction—but being yourself and being able to make a girl feel good about herself is way more attractive than physical appearance, whether you’re a Pete Davidson or a Ryan Gosling or a Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

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