An Introduction to Horary Astrology: What It Is & How to Use It
An Introduction to Horary Astrology: What It Is & How to Use It
Horary astrology is an ancient divining craft that answers questions based on a chart of the stars at the moment the question is asked. In the hands of an experienced astrologer, horary can be a surprisingly accurate way to find out what the future holds. But it can be a little confusing at first, so we’re here to break it all down—including what horary is, how astrologers use it, and how to come up with a good horary question.
How do you use horary astrology?

What is horary astrology?

Horary astrology uses a star chart to answer questions. A person (known as the “querent”) asks a horary astrologer a question about the future. The astrologer then creates a horary chart showing the position of the stars at the moment the question is asked. To answer the question, the astrologer analyzes the chart, looking for clues about the querent and the topic of the question (known as the “quesited”) based on the location of stars and planets in the 12 houses that divide the sky. The timing of the question is very important in horary astrology. The querent should ask the question when it’s the most important to them. For example, if they’ve been offered a new job and have a deadline for accepting the position, the topic's urgency would be a good basis for a horary question.

How Horary Astrology Works

The querent asks a specific, clearly-defined question. Horary astrology works best for questions with a definite answer, and the more detail that’s included in the question, the clearer the answer will be. It doesn't work as well with vague, open-ended questions or questions with multiple hypothetical answers. For instance, “Will I get married in the next two years?” is a better horary question than “Will I ever get married?” or “Will I marry person A or person B?” Most astrologers suggest asking questions that start with “Will” instead of “Should.” The querent shouldn’t ask questions about the past—horary astrology deals with the future.

The astrologer drafts a horary chart when the question is asked. The horary chart should be based on the date, time, year, and location the question is asked. If there’s a time difference between the time the querent posed the question and when the astrologer receives the question—like if the querent emails the question to the astrologer—the chart should be based on when the astrologer receives the question. Similarly, if the querent and astrologer are in different places, the chart should be cast based on the astrologer’s location.

The astrologer assigns houses to the querent and quesited. In horary astrology, the querent (the person who asked the question) is always represented by the first house in the chart. The quesited (the subject of the question) is assigned to a house based on the topic of the question. Each of the twelve houses in astrology represents certain people and items as they relate to the querent. For instance, if the querent is asking a question about whether to take a job, the quesited would be represented by the tenth house because it’s associated with jobs and careers.

The astrologer analyzes the chart to get the answer to the question. The astrologer will determine which sign rules the houses for the querent and quesited. They’ll also look at the relationship between those signs, their ruling planets, and the Moon—including what each represents, how they’re moving in relation to each other, and whether any other signs or planets are interacting with them. In the case of the person asking about the job, the astrologer would look at the signs ruling the first and tenth house and the planets that rule those signs. For instance, if the ruler of the tenth house is a planet that’s considered to represent prosperity, like Jupiter, it would be considered a good sign. Because star charts are complex and constantly changing, analyzing horary charts can be complicated. That’s why it’s important to consult an experienced, reputable astrologer when you ask horary questions.

Assigning Houses in Horary Astrology

First House This house always represents the querent. The sign and planet ruling this house might give clues to the querent’s personality, health, or mindset. If the querent is asking a question on behalf of another party (like, “Will my company be successful?”), the first house should represent that party.

Second House The second house represents the querent’s finances or any “moveable” possessions. For instance, the astrologer would examine the second house if the querent asked about lost jewelry or whether they would get back money they lent to a friend. A strong ruler in the second house could mean a good financial outcome, depending on the other signs in the chart.

Third House The third house represents the querent’s siblings, neighbors, extended family, and general community. It can also represent the neighborhood where the querent lives, as well as commutes and other short, routine journeys. If the querent is asking about a lost object and there’s a strong showing in the third house, it could mean the object will be found along a path they walk regularly or at a sibling’s house, depending on the interpretation. A hostile planet (like Mars or Saturn) in the third house can indicate family arguments.

Fourth House The fourth house represents parents, inheritance, land, and hidden treasures. If the querent is looking for a lost object, the signifiers in the fourth house might say something about the land where the object will be found. The fourth house might also be useful if the querent is considering buying property.

Fifth House Astrologers use the fifth house in horary to answer questions about pregnancy and childbirth. This house can also represent gambling, romance (but not necessarily spouses or soulmates), and material pleasures like dancing, fine clothing, and music. Jupiter is associated with fertility, so if Jupiter appears in the fifth house, it’s a strong indicator that the querent will have children.

Sixth House The sixth house represents anything related to illness and disease, including healthcare workers. It can also represent employees and small animals. This house is often associated with sadness or weakness. Astrologers will usually consult the sixth house if someone is looking for a lost pet or they want to know if they will recover from an illness.

Seventh House The seventh house rules marriage and spouses. If the querent is asking whether their spouse is faithful or if they will get married, the astrologer will generally check this house. In horary astrology, this house can also represent the astrologer. If there’s an afflicted sign or planet in the seventh house, especially if paired with an affliction in the 10th house, the astrologer’s reputation could be impacted by this reading.

Eighth House The eighth house represents death, loss, and fear. It can also stand for debt, taxes, and money that the querent owes to someone. This house is considered to indicate vulnerability—but it’s not always negative, as sometimes vulnerability is necessary to help us grow. A strong ruler over the eighth house might indicate that the querent should or will repay their debt, as this is typically considered to favor the lender. A transitioning sign in this house might indicate that it’s time for the querent to let go of something that isn’t necessary in their life anymore.

Ninth House The ninth house is often used to represent long journeys or pilgrimages. This can be a physical journey, or it could indicate a search for knowledge, like education or religion. The ninth house is sometimes used to determine whether a dream will come true, as well. Because children are represented by the fifth house, the ninth house can also represent grandchildren (the fifth house from the fifth house).

Tenth House The tenth house represents employment and careers, along with power and the querent’s position in life. If the querent is asking questions about court rulings or people in authority (like the police or their boss), the astrologer will consult the tenth house. If Saturn appears in the tenth house and it’s afflicted (associated with a sign that doesn’t pair well with the planet), it could indicate that the querent will face public scorn.

Eleventh House The eleventh house is considered one of good fortune. It typically represents friends, support, trust, and hope. If this house holds a planet or sign that’s associated with good fortune, it bodes very well for the querent. A good sign in this house may also indicate that the querent will have a secret wish come true.

Twelfth House The twelfth house is one of secrets. It’s typically associated with sadness, fears, and captivity. If the querent is asking questions about the hidden motives of the people around them, the astrologer will typically consult this house. If Uranus appears in the twelfth house, it can indicate that a secret is going to be exposed. The twelfth house isn’t always negative—sometimes it can indicate that there’s good news the querent isn’t aware of yet. For instance, if the querent is asking if they’ll have children, Venus in the 12th might indicate they’re already pregnant.

Factors Impacting Horary Chart Analysis

Rulers of the houses When an astrologer is analyzing a chart, they’ll look at what sign is rising in each relevant house and which signs are near the cusp (meaning they’re transitioning into or out of that house). They’ll also consider what planet rules each of those signs and what houses those planets are in. The Moon is considered to be a ruler over all questions, so its location is almost always important in a horary chart.

Condition of the planet and signs In addition to the placement of the signs and planets, the astrologer will also consider their movement. A sign that’s moving into a certain house might indicate something different than a sign that’s on its way out. Planets that are approaching each other can indicate that something is getting ready to happen. The astrologer will also look at the angles, or aspects, of the planets in relation to each other and other points on the astrology chart, like the cusps of the houses. Each planet’s “essential dignity” is also considered—this is the relative strength or weakness of the planet based on its location in the chart.

Radicality In some cases, a chart might be deemed “non-radical,” meaning the signs don’t align in a way that allows the astrologer to answer the question. Determining whether a chart is radical is complex. Usually, it involves comparing the planetary hour ruler (the planet ruling the sky at the exact time the question is asked) to the Ascendant, or the sign that’s rising in the eastern sky. Some astrologers will still analyze a chart if it’s not considered radical, but others will not.

Sample Horary Questions

Ask horary questions that have definite answers. Some astrologers prefer yes or no questions, although some prefer questions where the answers are a little more open-ended. Even if the querent asks a yes or no question, though, the chart will likely have more details about the situation. Good horary questions include: “Will I have children?” or “When will I have children?” “Is my partner being faithful to me?” “Where is my missing pet?” “Will this be a good business move?” “What’s causing my illness?”

How long is a horary chart good for?

A horary chart is good for up to 3 months. That means if you ask a horary question, you should wait at least 3 months before you ask the same question again. This will give events time to unfold—although if you ask the question again after 3 months, you may still get the same answer.

How accurate is horary?

Some people find it to be very accurate. Horary astrology is a divining art, and the answers are based on a unique interpretation by the astrologer—meaning there’s no guarantee that it will be accurate. Even experienced astrologers acknowledge that there are limitations to the craft, but some people do find that horary gives surprisingly insightful answers to important questions.

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