- If you just need a quick username, try an online username generator website.
- Design a creative username manually by combining your interests and the website’s topic.
- If this is a username that other users will see, get creative to represent your online self.
Try an Automatic Username Generator
Go to an online username generator in your web browser. If you're stumped on choosing the right username, a username generator is the perfect choice. Some username generators are more general and can be used to create login names for any site or service. Others allow you to create themed usernames, such as fantasy or sci-fi related fictional names. LastPass Username Generator: A customizable all-purpose random username generator brought to you by LastPass. NordPass Username Generator: Another general random username generator with plenty of customization options. Instausername: This Instagram-focused username generator creates unique usernames based on a keyword you enter. Roblox Username Generator: If you play Roblox, this generator suggests usernames based on keywords, styles (e.g., Animals, Aesthetic), and hobbies. TikTok Name Generator: Come up with the perfect username for TikTok based on your real name or keywords. Fantasy Username Generator: Create creative usernames that are perfect for RPG games and forums.
Change the customization options. Most username generators allow you to change the length and included characters in the “Customize" section. You may also be able to enter a word that you want to include in your username, or type a few words to describe the type of username you want.
Click the "Generate" or "Create" button. Depending on the username generator, you'll either see one username suggestion or an entire list. Repeat this generation process until you get a username that you like. If the generator you're using has a Copy button, you can click it to copy your new username to your clipboard. This makes it easy to paste it into the account sign-up screen.
Create a Unique Username Manually
Consider these safety tips. It’s important to protect your personal information when creating a username for a website, app, or game. Here are a few things you can do to protect your privacy: Stay anonymous. Avoid using any personally identifiable information when creating your username, such as your last name, birthdate, address, or social security number. Don’t include any part of your password in your username. Create a unique username for every website. This can help prevent tracking of your activity across multiple sites. Read our general guide to internet safety for more info.
Decide on a theme. If you’re creating an account for a forum with a specific topic (e.g., car discussion), you may want your username to reflect that topic (e.g., “honda_civic_30”). If it’s a more general website (e.g., Reddit), you can choose a more broad topic or personal interest.
Look at other users’ names for inspiration. This can help you get the general feeling for the website and what usernames there tend to look like. You can strike a balance between a username that’s similar to others’ while also making it unique.
Consider making your username a reference. For example, you could reference a quote from your favorite book, band, celebrity, song, or character from a movie. You could also reference your hobby or a sport!
Tap into your interests. For example, if you like fixing up old cars, base your username around your favorite car manufacturer or model.
Combine words to make a unique username. This will help make your name more unique and increase the chances that it won't be taken. Including some adjectives can increase the uniqueness of your username. You could put a color or descriptor before your username. For example, “the_quick_orange_cat” or "EmoChihuahua."
Look up synonyms. You can swap out words for their synonyms if your first idea has already been taken. This is a great way to keep the original meaning of your username. You can use an online thesaurus to search words and find synonyms. The Merriam-Webster thesaurus is available for free online: https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus
Keep it short. If you’re going to be typing in your username into a login screen on a regular basis, you’ll appreciate a shorter name! Shorten long words (e.g., turn "Mississippi" to "Miss" or "Missi") and try to keep the username easy to type.
Use symbols to simulate spaces and letters. Most websites won’t let you use a space in your username, but many will let you use the “_” underscore character to mimic a space. You can also use certain numbers to replace letters, such as “7” instead of “T” or “3” instead of “E”. This is known as “leet speak”, and is typically found in online video gaming circles. Periods are often used to separate words in usernames as well. Don’t use your birth year at the end of your username, especially if you are a minor, as it makes it very easy to identify how old you are.
Write down a few ideas. If you’re having trouble choosing a username, write down all of the ones you’ve thought of so far. This can help you compare names and combine existing ideas into something new. Don’t stress about it too much. Many websites allow you to change your username after making your account. Check the website’s username guidelines first!
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