8 Fun & Surprising Ways to Confuse Snapchat’s My AI
8 Fun & Surprising Ways to Confuse Snapchat’s My AI
Did you know that Snapchat has an AI chat feature that every Snapchatter has access to? It used to be a premium-only feature, but it's now available for everyone on Snapchat. Because My AI is an evolving feature, you can have lots of fun with it. You can even invite your friends to mess with My AI to make it a group activity! This wikiHow article lists ways that you can mess with Snapchat's My AI.
Things You Should Know
  • Send long, complex, and confusing messages and My AI can have a hard time following the sentence and reply incorrectly.
  • Ask My AI open-ended questions that have no real answers to get a nonsensical reply.
  • Give it bad data to confuse My AI into believing misinformation like 9+1=22.

Send long, confusing, and complex messages

You might get a nonsensical and confusing message in return. My AI is trained to respond to straightforward conversations, so sending a gibberish message will confuse the AI, which will respond with a nonsensical chat back.

Ask unanswerable questions

Ask something like "What is the meaning of life?" The chatbot is used to answering questions that are specific, so an open-ended question like "What is the meaning of life" should cause it to struggle to come up with an answer or reply with a nonsensical message.

Give it bad data

My AI will take your bad data into consideration. If you keep telling the chatbot that 9+1=22, it will soon begin answering any math questions that 9+1=22. send My AI snaps Since My AI is so impressionable, facts are easily manipulated. For example, of your dog and keep calling it a cat. If you manage to call a dog a cat enough times, the AI will begin believing the misinformation.

Use emojis

Place emojis in the chat text to confuse My AI. By adding in emojis, symbols, and pictures that the bot may not understand, you might get a funny response.

Use slang

My AI may not be versed in current slang, so expect funny responses! You can also try using industry-specific jargon, like "clickbait" to confuse the chatbot.

Use puns

The AI will most likely not understand your pun and respond with nonsense. Saying something like, "I carrot believe you've done this" will most likely result in a funny and confusing reply.

Ask riddles

This will most likely stump My AI. If the riddle is difficult, it may take the AI a bit to figure out the answer, or if it can't think of an answer, you may get back a nonsensical answer.

Send a lot of messages quickly

Flooding My AI can cause it to glitch. You might receive a backlog of responses to prompts or questions you asked a while ago, or you might get nonsensical chats. Either way, it's something fun to try!

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