Being famous.
Many people dream of fame, but it has some serious downsides. In this digital age, it’s nearly impossible for celebrities to get an ounce of privacy. They’re followed everywhere by paparazzi and fans, and the public demands constant access to their lives on social media. Although there are a lot of perks that come with fame, the invasiveness that goes along with it would be too much for many people to handle! There’s even some evidence to suggest that being famous has a negative effect on your mental and physical health. For example, a study on famous musicians in the U.S. and United Kingdom found that the mortality rate of pop stars was two times higher than non-famous people in demographically matched populations. Certain features of fame and celebrity lifestyle, including high-stress situations and substance abuse, may be to blame.
Being an influencer or content creator.
Content creation is a high-stress, unpredictable job. When the 9-5 grind starts to feel monotonous, many people find themselves thinking, “What if I drop everything and become an influencer?” Unfortunately, content creation can be a pretty difficult career path. For one thing, only a select few actually “make it” as influencers, and the vast majority of content creators are left with less opportunity and inconsistent pay. Secondarily, content creators face a lot of pressure to look “perfect,” which can lead to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders. All-in-all, being an influencer seems like a very stressful job with no guarantee of financial security, which makes it an overrated option for many people.
Social media.
Social media can have a negative effect on your mental health. Although social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok can be helpful tools to stay connected with friends, they can also be a huge source of stress. Instead of using these platforms to communicate with loved ones, we find ourselves endlessly scrolling through content. And, when people spend excessive amounts of time glued to their screens in this way, their mental health suffers. In fact, research has shown that excessive social media use leads to increased feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression and anxiety. With downsides like these, it seems pretty clear that social media is overrated! If you’ve noticed that social media has had a negative affect on your life, consider taking a break from it for a while. You may find that you feel happier, more relaxed, and more connected to your loved ones.
Idolizing celebrities.
Many people identify as “stans,” or mega fans of certain celebrities. There are the Swifties, the Beliebers, the Little Monsters, the Barbs—you name it! Although there’s nothing wrong with being a fan of someone’s music or acting, when this admiration tips over into celebrity worship, it becomes a serious problem. Fans start developing a parasocial relationship with the celebrity and believe that they share a special connection, even though they’ve never met this person. They also expect the celebrity to live up to lofty, God-like standards, then become devastated when the celebrity reveals themselves to be imperfect and human. Because of all this, it seems pretty clear that celebrity worship culture is overrated. It’s fine to enjoy celebrities’ work, but it’s important to draw the line at idolizing them.
Taking videos at concerts.
At concerts, most people whip out their phones to take some videos. The urge makes sense—they want to document this cool show, so they can see it again later. However, what this actually does is take the magic out of the moment. When you focus on documenting something with your camera, rather than actually experiencing it, the whole thing becomes less memorable and enjoyable. Plus, the videos always turn out shaky and grainy, and they usually have super poor audio quality. The verdict is clear—taking videos at concerts is extremely overrated!
Minimalist interior design trends.
Minimalist interior decor is super popular, but it’s also pretty boring. For a long time, sleek, stark, neutral-toned living spaces have been the ultimate interior decor inspo on social media. However, in more recent years people have begun to realize that this trend is a bit overrated. Minimalist decor has a polished, clean look, but it can also come across as stark and uninviting. The lack of color and character in the minimalist aesthetic is another common criticism. In fact, social media users have taken to criticizing minimalist parents for decorating their children’s spaces in a “sad beige” style, devoid of the bright colors and fun decor elements that children typically enjoy. If you love minimalism, that’s totally fine—to each their own. But if you’re dreaming of a more personalized space, don’t be afraid to break away from the minimalist trend. The most important thing is that your home decor speaks to you!
Reboots and sequels, instead of new stories.
In recent years, Hollywood has produced a ton of sequels and reboots. From live-action remakes of classic Disney cartoons (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King) to sequels and reboots of previous blockbusters (Ghostbusters, Twister, Mean Girls), it seems pretty clear that movie studios are cashing in on nostalgia. Not all of these movies are bad, but many of them are overrated. In the absence of exciting new material, they rely on the audience’s fondness for the story and characters. Many people seem to be growing tired of the endless wave of sequels and reboots, so hopefully Hollywood starts prioritizing fresh, new stories soon!
Diamond engagement rings.
Diamonds are the most popular stone for engagement rings. This doesn’t mean, however, that they’re the best option for everyone. In fact, they are a few good reasons to opt for something different. For one thing, diamond engagement rings are super expensive—the average cost of one in 2023 was $5,500. Secondly, since diamond rings are so popular, it's hard to find one that truly feels unique and personal to you. If you decide to go against the grain and choose something like sapphire, ruby, or emerald, you’ll be able to get a larger stone for less money. You’ll also have a unique engagement ring that stands out in the crowd! And, if you prefer an option that looks more like a diamond, you can always opt for moissanite or white topaz. With all these unique and cost-efficient options out there, it seems pretty clear that traditional diamond engagement rings are overrated.
Luxury cars.
For many people, a luxury car is the ultimate symbol of success. These expensive cars may be flashy and impressive-looking, but they actually have a ton of downsides. First off, a luxury car’s value decreases significantly as soon as you drive it off the dealership lot. In fact, it’s estimated that luxury cars lose 20% of their value in just the first year. Second, many of these cars are very small and impractical, with little room for things like groceries or a carseat for a child. With all this in mind, it’s no surprise that many people consider luxury vehicles to be overrated. Luckily, if you’re trying to choose the right car for you, there are tons of options available that are safe, comfortable, and cost efficient.
Fast fashion.
Fast fashion brands are hugely popular, but they have a dark side. Fast fashion labels such as Shein rapidly produce huge amounts of clothing for very cheap prices, but these low quality garments break down after only a few wears, forcing consumers to buy more and more. This cycle has serious environmental consequences, and the industry is known for exploiting its workers. Although it can be tempting to get tons of inexpensive clothing, it's usually best to steer clear of these overrated fast fashion brands. If you’re looking for inexpensive clothes, check out thrift shops and second-hand stores for a more sustainable, environmentally friendly option! You can even donate your old clothes to thrift shops or resell items you don’t need anymore on sites like ThredUp or Depop.
Overly elaborate skincare routines.
Complicated skincare routines are all the rage on social media. However, layering tons of products on your face at once can have some negative effects. It can upset your skin's natural pH and microbiome balance, leading to irritation and dermatitis. And, if you’ve implemented a complicated skincare routine to combat acne, beware—piling on too many products can actually exacerbate breakouts! The next time you’re scrolling through TikTok and see someone performing an elaborate, 10-step skincare regimen, rest assured that these routines are overrated. Remember, less is more! A gentle face wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen is enough for many people. If you have acne, consider visiting a dermatologist. They can help distinguish what type of acne you have and recommend a clinically-proven, effective treatment, so you aren’t left guessing in the skincare aisle at the beauty store.
Many people enjoy clubbing, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. The loud music, sweatiness, and general drunkenness of the atmosphere can be overwhelming for a lot of people. If you just can’t seem to get into clubbing, even though your friends love it, you’re not alone! Lots of people find clubbing and bar hopping to be overrated, and it’s completely okay if the whole thing just isn’t your vibe.
Drinking alcohol.
Alcoholic beverages are a pretty common part of people’s diets. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, 62% of U.S. adults say they drink alcohol, and only 38% say they don't. Because alcohol is a pretty ubiquitous presence at parties and gatherings, it’s easy to think that drinking is an unavoidable part of socializing. However, more and more people are deciding that the negative mental and physical effects of alcohol are just not worth the temporary buzz. In fact, this rising trend among Gen Z has been termed the “sober curious” movement. If you’re not happy with the effects of alcohol, consider cutting back for a period of time, or taking a break from drinking completely. You may find that you enjoy a sober lifestyle!
“Trendy” restaurants and brunch spots.
Eating at a trendy restaurant can be a huge hassle. These spots are often super busy, so you might find yourself waiting for hours just to get a table. On top of this, many people go to these restaurants for their aesthetically pleasing decor and dishes, so the experience becomes about getting a good photo for social media, rather than enjoying the meal. Some trendy restaurants are popular for good reason and actually have yummy food, but a lot of them just aren’t worth the crowded, stressful atmosphere!
Loud music at restaurants.
Restaurants are unfortunately becoming louder and louder. In fact, popular restaurants in New York City are regularly registered at 90 decibels, which is considered "very loud" on the American Academy of Audiology's scale. All this noise makes it very hard to have a good conversation with the people at your table, and overly loud music is a major culprit in this situation. Music is an important part of setting the scene at a restaurant, but blasting it at full volume is definitely an overrated practice! If the noise levels in restaurants is frustrating you, consider trying out a pair of Loop Earplugs. The Loop Engage variety is specially formulated to filter out background noise, while still allowing you to hear speech. In other words, they’ll turn down the volume on the loud music, so you can focus on your convo!
Amusement parks.
People love going to amusement parks, but are they actually worth it? In recent years, the prices of tickets to popular amusement parks like Disneyland and Universal Studios have skyrocketed, making them a very expensive pastime. These parks are also more crowded than ever, resulting in longer lines, and global warming has made the weather hotter, leaving you drenched in sweat while you wait for rides. Unfortunately, unless some major changes occur, it seems like amusement parks are officially overrated.
Gender reveal parties.
Many expecting couples throw parties to reveal the gender of their baby. Although these gatherings can be fun and cute sometimes, many of them go completely overboard with expensive and elaborate schemes. In fact, one ill-fated gender reveal gathering in Southern California ended up causing a massive wildfire when a device that was supposed to release blue smoke exploded. These types of parties can reinforce harmful gender stereotypes (like the idea that girls are supposed to like princesses and the color pink, while boys are supposed to like sports and the color blue). On the whole, it seems like gender reveal parties are overrated and unnecessary.
Surprise birthday parties.
Surprise birthday parties are popular, but many people dislike them. When friends and family try to throw a surprise party for a loved one, their intentions are good. However, many people simply don’t like surprises, and they’d rather have more control over how they celebrate their special day. Imagine, for example, that you’re dreaming of a relaxing night binge watching TV and having snacks, but you open your front door to find all your friends and family standing in your living room, shouting “Surprise!” Some people think this situation is exciting and magical. For others, it's flat-out stressful and overrated. If you’re thinking of planning a surprise party for someone, make sure to confirm that they like surprises first. This can save everyone from a pretty awkward situation!
The “Happy Birthday” Song.
Speaking of birthdays, the “Happy Birthday” song is also overrated. Although friends and family members are trying to do something nice when they serenade you on your birthday, it’s usually an awkward experience. Where are you supposed to look? Are you supposed to sing along? Are you supposed to just nod and sway until the whole thing is over? For many people, the experience is completely overrated and uncomfortable.
Weird gourmet ice cream flavors.
Some unconventional ice cream flavors are way too wacky to enjoy. Trendy gourmet ice cream shops have created some truly strange flavors, including Everything Bagel, Kraft Mac and Cheese, and even Deviled Egg Custard with Smoked Black Tea. If you’re a super adventurous eater, these flavors may appeal to you, but for many people, they’re simply too out-there and unappetizing. Plus, these trendy ice cream brands tend to be super expensive, so you end up paying a lot of money for a very strange ice cream experience. All in all, these wacky ice creams seem to be overrated when delicious, classic flavors like Mint Chip, Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough exist.
Restrictive fad diets.
Many people turn to fad diets as a quick way to lose weight. Unfortunately, these diets tend to be unbalanced, ineffective, and too restrictive. They leave many people lacking essential nutrients, and the stress of following the rigid rules can also lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. As a result, it’s pretty clear that these fad diets are overrated at best, and unsafe at worse. When it comes to eating a healthy diet, balance, variety, and moderation are key!
Waking up super early.
You may have heard that the early bird gets the worm, but is this true? From fitness buffs who swear by 5:00 a.m. workouts to CEOs who ascribe their success to sunrise meditations, many people think that waking up early is inherently better. However, sacrificing that extra hour or two of sleep can actually have negative consequences for your health. These include moodiness, poor concentration, weight gain, anxiety, and even increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. And, for many people who have busy jobs or childcare responsibilities, it’s not realistic to make up those hours of sleep by going to bed earlier. If you’re not the kind of person who can hop out of bed at the crack of dawn, don’t worry! Getting enough quality sleep (at least 7-8 hours for adults) is the best thing for your health, even if this means waking up a bit later.
Working in-person at an office.
Many employees prefer remote work over in-person work. And, although many workplaces are trying to get employees back into offices following the COVID-19 pandemic, there are actually several reasons why this may not be the best choice. For one, research shows that companies who offer remote work attract and retain more employees. Secondly, remote workers are 35-40% more productive on average than their in-office counterparts. The autonomy and flexibility of remote work has a positive effect on employee wellness, and it promotes a better work-life balance. With all this in mind, it seems pretty clear that in-person work is overrated!
Having a huge social circle.
Having a huge roster of friends might not be as important as you think. When it comes to friendship, quality seems to be more important than quantity. In fact, humans aren’t able to sustain deep, meaningful relationships with dozens of people—there just isn’t enough time! According to research, many people feel satisfied and emotionally fulfilled with just 3-5 close friends. The next time you feel worried that something’s wrong with you because you don’t have a 20 person friend group, take heart! Giant social circles are overrated, and it’s completely possible to be happy and emotionally healthy with a few great friends that you truly love and trust.
Hookup culture.
Hookup culture is widespread, but not everyone enjoys it. Many people are becoming frustrated with the negative aspects of hookup culture, such as “breadcrumbing” and “ghosting.” Breadcrumbing involves dropping hints that the relationship could develop into more without actually following through, while ghosting, means disappearing from someone’s life with no explanation after hooking up or dating. Both of these behaviors are emotionally distressing, so it’s no wonder that people are starting to think hookup culture is overrated. There’s nothing wrong with preferring casual relationships, but they don’t work for everyone. Remember, the most important thing is that you feel happy, safe, and comfortable with your romantic encounters!
Following a rigid “life plan.”
Many people grow up with a clear idea of how they want their life to turn out. Looking to parents and grandparents for inspiration, these life plans often involve finding a dream job, getting married, buying a house, and having children, all by a certain (very young!) age. Though this timeline may have been typical for previous generations, it’s definitely not the norm anymore. In fact, research shows that 25-year-olds now are much less likely to have reached major milestones (having a full time job, being financially independent, living on their own, getting married, or having a child) than 25-year-olds in 1980. If you haven’t hit the milestones you thought you would have by this age, you’re not alone! It’s completely normal to do things at a different pace than your parents or grandparents, and this makes sense considering how much life has changed in recent decades. Having a rigid plan dictating things like when to get married or when to buy a house is overrated. Give yourself grace, and remember that every person’s path looks different!
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