Classic Scary Pranks
Act like you’re going to spill something on them. Grab a cup or glass (or several) that’s not transparent. Carry them into the room where your friend or family member is sitting. Just as you get close to them, pretend to hit and drop the cups on them. They’ll usually get scared and jump out of the way so they don’t get wet. Use disposable or lightweight plastic cups for this prank to make sure you don’t break them or hurt anyone.
Hide under the bed and grab their ankle as they stand next to it. Sneak into the person’s bedroom and slide under the bed. Stay far enough away from the edge that they won’t catch sight of you as they come into the room. Then, when they get close to the bed, reach out and gently grab their ankle. Be ready to let go quickly if they’re so surprised they kick their foot. Don’t grab their ankle the second they get close to the bed. Wait a few to lull them into a false sense of security. This classic scary prank works almost every time because everyone is just a tiny bit afraid of the monster under the bed. They also never expect you to be under there. Try it on a brother or sister sneaking in after curfew.
Pretend to see something scary. This is another super easy prank you can do at any time. As you’re walking along with your friend or family member, suddenly scream, duck your head, and run away. They’ll usually do the same thing, thinking you saw a wasp…or something worse. You don’t need any props or masks, just convincing acting skills and the element of surprise. Try yellowing something like, “It’s bigfoot!” or “SNAKE!” before taking off.
Write a ghostly message on the bathroom mirror. The idea here is to write a message they will only see after they take a shower and the mirror fogs up. To do this, mix 2-3 drips of liquid dish soap in 1 cup (240 mL) of water. Dip a cotton swap into the soapy water until it’s saturated. Then, use the swab to write a scary message on the mirror. “Help me,” “Get out,” and “I see you” are good creepy messages for this prank. Don’t mix too much soap into the water, or the message will be visible when it dries. The soapy water may take up to 30 minutes to dry, so plan to write it when no one will be using the bathroom for a while.
Pretend to close your hand in a car door with a fake hand. Slip a fake hand into your cuff. Then, get in the car and close the door on the fake hand. Scream, “My hand!” and grimace like you’re feeling intense pain. When they open the door, drop the fake hand out of your cuff and let them in on the prank.
Use rubber snakes to terrify them. Humans have evolved to be afraid of snakes. Tap into that fear for a scary prank that works day and night. Get a realistic-looking rubber snake and hide it under a sink full of dirty dishes. That way, whoever’s turn it is to do the dishes will get a big surprise! Another way to scare someone with a rubber snake is to use a large binder clip to attach it to the back of their shirt when they aren’t paying attention. When they stand up, they’ll feel the weight pulling on their shirt and see the snake.
Scary Pranks for Sleepovers
Put a mask or scary doll in the bed with them while they’re sleeping. Playing a scary prank on someone when they’re sleeping is so easy it’s not even fair. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it! Wait until someone falls asleep and then place a mask or scary doll on the pillow next to them. If you use a mask, put a balloon, ball, or something else inside to make it look like a severed head. When you use a doll, position it so it’s looking right at the sleeping person for maximum fear.
Make your scary movie extra frightening. Plan to watch a scary movie at your next sleepover to pull off this prank. Turn down the lights and start the movie. Wait until about 30 minutes in, when the movie really starts to give you the chills. Then, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Instead, sneak outside and knock on the window where your guests are watching the movie. Get back inside and into the bathroom before anyone realizes where you really went. Flush the toilet and head back to the party. When your friends tell you what happened, act surprised. Or, keep the scares going by making up a scary story about a stalker that’s been hanging around your house.
Play ghostly sounds after everyone settles down to go to sleep. This prank takes a little set up. Hide a bluetooth speaker in the room where you’ll be sleeping. Connect the speaker to your phone so you play creepy noises and adjust the volume. Then, wait until everyone gets quiet and is just about to fall asleep. Play a ghostly moan, a terrified scream, or a yowling cat to make your guests’s hair stand on end. Another option is to play a sound like a scream or moan quietly at first and then gradually get louder. If no one is catching on, you can say something like, “Did you guys hear something?” Everyone will get quiet to listen. Play the sound again a little louder.
Give them a scare when they open the refrigerator. Get a scary fake head. Before your friends come over for your sleepover, put the head in your refrigerator at about eye level. Place a bottle of soda in front of the head. Then, just ask one of your guests to grab the soda for you. When they take out the bottle, the head will give them a scare. This prank is especially good, because you’re asking them for a favor. Because they’re doing something nice for you, they’re less likely to suspect you’re setting them up for a prank. When you ask for the favor, make sure you’re busy answering the door or your hands are full, so it doesn’t seem weird you’re asking for their help.
Nighttime Scary Pranks
Pretend to be possessed by a ghost or demon. To act like you’re possessed, gradually stop talking and start staring into space without blinking. If someone talks to you, reply in a completely monotone voice. Wait for the witching hour between 12 am and 3 am when the people believe supernatural events happen. Then, laugh hysterically or whisper like you’re talking to someone who isn’t there. At first, people might be skeptical that there’s anything wrong with you. The trick is to keep acting possessed until they start to believe you and then come out of it. This is a perfect prank when you can take advantage of lower visibility to raise the tension.
Creep up on them in a dark hallway. This prank is best played outside someone’s bedroom, dormroom, or apartment door. Turn off the lights in the hallway. Then, quietly sneak up to the door and knock loudly. Run away down the hall. When they open the door to see who’s there, slowly creep toward them in the dark. If you’re in a longer hallway don’t run too far away that they don’t see you before they close the door again. Wear dark clothes to blend into the better. If you wear a mask, make sure it’s a lighter color that they’ll notice in the dark as you get closer.
Freak them out with fake bugs and spiders. Many people are scared of bugs and spiders because they associate them with something gross or possibly harmful. One simple way to take advantage of this fear of bugs and spiders is to go into the bathroom and unroll the toilet paper about 18 inches (45 cm). Use a black or brown pen to draw a bug or spider onto the toilet paper. Then, roll it back up again. When the next person uses the bathroom and unrolls the toilet paper, they’ll think your drawing is the real thing. Another great scary prank is to tie a piece of light-colored thread around a fake spider. Then, gradually lower it from above your target until it’s hanging in front of their face. Scare them when they turn on a lamp by printing or drawing a picture of a big black bug. Carefully cut it out and tape it to the inside of the lampshade. Wait for someone to turn on the lamp. These pranks are especially good for nighttime because the dark makes the bugs look more authentic.
Jump Scare Pranks
Let out a scream when they least expect it. One surefire way to scare someone is to let out a bloodcurdling scream out of nowhere. The easiest way to do this is to scream while they’re sleeping. Another way to play a scary prank with sound is to yell randomly while you’re in the car or just watching TV. These types of pranks work because of the startle response, which is part of our fight-flight-or-freeze response. It’s a subconscious reaction we can’t really control.
Honk the car horn if they’ve been making you wait. The prank is one to pull when you’re in the car waiting for someone to get in the car. As the other person approaches the car, pretend to be looking at your phone or chatting with another person. Then, just as they walk in front of the car, honk the horn. This prank catches them by surprise and will definitely make them jump straight up in the air. An air horn is another good way to make a sudden loud noise if you aren’t in the car.
Disguise yourself and sneak up behind them or jump out to scare them. Wearing a scary mask and hiding behind a door or piece of furniture is a classic way to give someone a fright. It’s as simple as putting on a mask and hiding somewhere you know they’ll go, like the bathroom or kitchen. Take this prank to the next level by sneaking up on them with a mask on. Just stand there until they notice you. Peeking through a window at someone while wearing a mask is another great prank that’s especially effective if you have a scary clown mask. If you don’t have a disguise, hide behind a door and wait for someone to come into the room. Then, after they pass by, lower your hand onto their shoulder and let out an evil laugh.
Scary Prank Calls
Tell them they live in a murder house. Call someone from a phone number they won’t recognize. Explain that you’re a previous owner of the house. Say that you feel bad and can’t live with the lies. Then, confess that you saw someone murdered in the house and the killer was never caught. Disguise your voice or use a voice-changer app so they don’t recognize your voice. This scary prank is more of a slow burn because it doesn’t startle them. The thought of living in a crime scene will just pop into their head at the worst times…like right before they fall asleep. There are a few other ways to make an anonymous call, like dialing *67 before you their number to mask your number.
Whisper random words into the phone when they answer your call. Hide your number and call them up. When they answer the phone, whisper spooky words low and fast so they can’t quite tell what you’re saying. Dial up the tension by saying a particularly scary word loud enough for them to hear. Then, pause and start whispering again. Some good scary words are: Cursed Nightmare Witches Corpse Scream Dark
Call a friend or family member and pretend to have amnesia. When they answer the phone, say something like, “Hello? Who is this? I have this phone, but I don’t know if it’s mine. I…I don’t know who I am,” in a really scared and confused voice. They may not believe you at first, but keep it going until they fall for it. Don’t hide your number for this prank. You want them to know it’s you. That’s what makes it scary.
Call the echo line number and then hand them the phone. If you call the creepy number (909) 390-0003, you’ll only hear your own voice echoing back at you. Act like you’re getting a call, but secretly call the number. Then, when it picks up, say something like, “It’s for you,” with a confused look on your face and hand them the phone. This number is mostly used to check the delay on your phone, but hearing your own voice echo back at you can be super creepy.
Text them like a scary character from a horror movie. Pick their favorite horror movie, and then text them terrifying lines from the movie or messages inspired by the villain. Make sure the movie is one they’ll recognize, or they might just end up confused instead of scared. Just make sure to text them from an unknown number or message them from an unknown account! Here are a few spooky movie quotes to get you started: “You'll float down here. We all float down here.” – It “I can come in anytime I want. And I can get you anytime I want. But I'm not going to. Not until it's time.” – Hush “Where we're going, we don't need eyes to see.” – Event Horizon “Have you checked the children lately?” – A Stranger Calls “Do you like scary movies?” – Scream
Send them a text telling them they’re being watched. Wait until they’re at home alone one night. Then, creep them out with a text that says something like, “I just drove by your house, and there was someone outside your bedroom window.” Or, send them an anonymous message that references something unique in their house that suggests you can see them. For example: “I really like the string lights in your bedroom.” “That picture of your mom is crooked.” “Why did you take down the pink curtains?”
Pulling off a Scary Prank
Choose the right person and time for a scary prank. Even when you’re playing a scary prank, the idea is for everyone to have fun. Try to pick someone who is going to be a good sport and have a good sense of humor about being pranked. It’s also important to choose a good time when your prank target is in a good mood. It may be a good idea to have a conversation about pranks with your prospective target before planning to play any pranks on them. Some people just don’t like to be pranked or hate to be scared. What’s funny to you might be extremely upsetting to another person. For example, if someone is feeling depressed or stressed out, they may not be in the right mood to appreciate a scary prank, even if they would normally be up for one.
Avoid pranks that could cause damage or harm. A prank that breaks something or hurts someone physically or emotionally can be a form of abuse. While it’s obvious when a prank causes bodily harm, It can be tricky to figure out if the person you prank is psychologically harmed because the damage isn’t visible. Pranks can cause humiliation and trigger past trauma. Never play a prank on someone who has specifically asked you not to play pranks on them.
Be ready to duck or get out of the way. If startling someone is part of your prank, triggering their flight, freeze, or fight response might cause them to lash out. This is because some people instinctively defend themselves when scared. That means they can punch or kick you before they even know what they’re doing. The stress response makes your heart rate and blood pressure go up to temporarily feed your muscles more nutrients and oxygen. This helps get your muscles ready to defend yourself or run away.
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