4 Calming Asanas You Can Try Out If You Are Having A Bad Day
4 Calming Asanas You Can Try Out If You Are Having A Bad Day
On those challenging days when stress and anxiety threaten to overpower us, these four calming yoga asanas serve as powerful tools to restore balance and bring solace

In the midst of life’s chaos, we all experience those challenging days that leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, there are simple yet powerful tools to help find solace and regain inner peace. Yoga, an ancient practice that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, offers a sanctuary for emotional well-being.

These four soothing yoga asanas can provide a much-needed respite on those difficult days-

  1. Balasana (Child’s Pose):With its gentle and nurturing nature, Balasana embraces you in a comforting cocoon of relaxation. Kneel on the floor, folding your body forward, and allow your forehead to rest gently on the ground. Feel the gentle stretch in your lower back as you surrender to the earth, releasing tension and stress. Breathe deeply, inhaling tranquillity and exhaling worries, as you find solace in this nurturing pose.
  2. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose):Escape the burdens of the day with Viparita Karani, a restorative pose that brings instant calmness to the mind and body. Lie on your back, extending your legs up against a wall or a sturdy surface. Allow the soothing sensation of blood flowing back toward your heart to relax your entire being. As you close your eyes, visualize stress melting away, replaced by a sense of peace and rejuvenation.
  3. Anjali Mudra (Prayer Pose):Anjali Mudra, the gesture of prayer, connects us to our inner self and the universe. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, bringing your palms together at the heart centre. Close your eyes and take a moment to acknowledge and release any negative emotions. As you breathe deeply, allow gratitude and compassion to fill your heart, embracing a sense of calm and balance.
  4. Savasana (Corpse Pose):Savasana, the ultimate relaxation pose, invites you to surrender completely and let go of the day’s struggles. Lie flat on your back, arms gently by your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and release any remaining tension from your body, allowing it to melt into the ground. As you enter a state of deep relaxation, focus on your breath, inhaling serenity and exhaling any negativity. In this blissful stillness, find tranquillity and restore your inner equilibrium.

By practising Balasana, Viparita Karani, Anjali Mudra, and Savasana, we can access a sanctuary within ourselves, finding peace and serenity amidst life’s turmoil. So, the next time you encounter a bad day, remember the transformative power of yoga and allow these asanas to guide you toward a state of tranquillity and well-being.

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