'Temples Shut But TASMAC Opens': Chennai Reopening Liquor Shops After 5 Months Leads to Cheer and Confusion
'Temples Shut But TASMAC Opens': Chennai Reopening Liquor Shops After 5 Months Leads to Cheer and Confusion
The liquor shops would be open from 10 am to 7 pm and only 500 tokens shall be issued per day to consumers.

After a gap of nearly five months, State-run TASMAC retail liquor outlets will reopen in Chennai and in suburbs from August 18, the Tamil Nadu government said on Sunday. Apart from shops in Chennai and other suburban areas falling under the jurisdiction of Greater Chennai Police, liquor outlets in the rest of Tamil Nadu were reopened on May 7.

The liquor shops would be open from 10 am to 7 pm and only 500 tokens shall be issued per day to consumers, a government release quoting Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC), the sole retailer of Indian made foreign liquor in the state, said.

However, safety measures will have to be taken. For instance, masks are compulsory and social distancing will have to be maintained.

This came as a welcome move, especially since the rest of the country, including other parts of Tamil Nadu, have been enjoying the privilege for a few months now.

While many seemed to embrace the news, others seemed a ad concerned about what this would mean for the Covid situation in the state. Recently, the Covid-19 daily toll in Chennai crossed 1,000 owing to a spike in cases in five containment zones.

Given that there are more than 700 TASMAC liquor stores in Chennai, many felt that reopening liquor shops now would render the government's efforts to control outbreaks futile.

Some were also quick to point out that it was "unfair" to reopen liquor shops but keep places of religious worship and malls closed.

Liquor outlets were not opened here in May in view of are relatively high number of COVID-19 cases during that period of time. TASMAC shops were closed on March 24 evening across Tamil Nadu including Chennai when the lockdown was imposed for the first time.

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