Budget 2007-08 is green budget: PC
Budget 2007-08 is green budget: PC
Chidambaram on Sunday said his Union Budget for 2007-08 is an attempt to share the fruits of growth with poor.

New Delhi: Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Sunday said his Union Budget for 2007-08 is an attempt to share the fruits of growth with poor.

Speaking at a Congress function in Chennai, the Finance Minister said the underlying idea of the Budget was to distribute the fruits of economic growth equitably among all sections, especially the weak and the poor.

"If the 1997 Budget was a message to the world that India was ready to enter the competition-driven market economy and achieve economic growth, the budget 2007 was a message to the people of India that we are ready to share the benefits of growth to the weaker and neglected sections of the society," he said.

Chidambaram said if the 1997 budget was a `dream budget', aimed at the growth of industries and service, the 2007 budget was a `green budget' to lift the struggling agricultural economy and achieve four per cent growth in the sector.

No tax exemptions and concessions were given to corporate sector 'since it was not necessary', he said adding Industries and services had already recorded more than 8 per cent growth and this would continue this year also.

"You are prospering and you continue to prosper. We have done nothing to harm you. There are other weak sectors and weaker sections like farmers to be taken care of," he said.

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